7 acts already have a spot in the German national final next month, but one spot remained upen until tonight where 10 acts were fighting for it. That spot went to Ann Sophie who, chosen entirely by the public, won tonight’s Club Concert with the song Jump The Gun.
Last year’s German Eurovision Song Contest participant Elaiza came to the German final via the Club Concert proving that it is not a disadvantage at all going through this step first. Tonight 10 acts were competing in an attempt to follow that same path.
The songs:
1. Klangpoet – 4 U
We start out with a band of four, three males and one female. They were all casually dressed in various colour for the performance of this adult contemporary song which borrows from various genres and is hard to define. It is plesant enough to listen to, but unfortunately they don’t really reach through to the viewers.
2. Lars Pinkwart – Tornado
Next on stage we have a male solo artist. Dressed in dark tight trousers, a white t-shirt and a long open sweat jacket, he is also casual looking, but still rather stylish. His song is a pop song, which includes hints of rock on the chorus, but it really doesn’t kick in.
3. Sophie – Imperfection
She is just 16 years old, but on stage she appears more experience. In tight trousers and a light shirt, she looks like the girl next door going on for a club evening, but in her performance she is really cool on this pop song with clear disco elements. A great performance and she receieves biggest applause so far.
4. Moonjos – Haggard Heart
We continue with a male duo who are quite stylished dressed without going into the formal suit. It is a country pop song and absolutely one that could end up winning tonight. They guys stands rather still in front of each their microphone, one of them with a guitar, but they still manage to connect well with the audience as well as the TV viewers.
5. Louisa – Boomerang
Another 16 year old girl is what we have here, but her appeareance is very different from the one we saw from Sophie. Louise sings a ballad which she struggles a bit with from time to time. It appears like she is having a difficult time connecting to the song, but it is hard to tell if she is just very nervous.
6. Aden – We Are On Fire
Solo male singer Aden serves us a fusion song which has elements from hip-hop, pop and dance. He has two dancers with him, despite the small stage, to spark an extra energy into it. Unfortunately Aden’s biggest problem probably was that he really had problems as it sounded like he couldn’t sing.
7. Alisson Bonnefoy – Burning Down
Dressed in a short tight black leather top and a sleeveless black top, Alisson goes for the sexy look. She brings a power ballad which really shows potential in the chorus. She looked proefessionel and confident on stage. A very secure performance and certainly one with a big winner potential.
8. Ann Sophie – Jump The Gun
This girl is on homefield here in Hamburg. She is hard not to notice dressed in a red outfit revealing skin at the sides and the back. A guld colured big nexclase is added. The song is a pop song with elements from jazz, but it is a happy song and she performs it very well. Don’t rule this one out.
9. Sendi – Battlefield
Wearing a hat and having her guitar with her, Sendi is also one you notice. She comes with a ballad with country elements, which stands in contrast to the fact that she is wearing a Nirvana t-shirt. Nice performance though and also one that was well receieved with the audience.
10. Ason – Hey You
We end with the four girls who calles themselves Ason. They are sisters with a Swedish mother and a German father. They are in the age 12 to 20, so should they qualify for the Eurovision Song Contest, the youngest won’t be allowed to take part. They sing a pop song and it is clear that they enjoy being on the stage.
The show:
Große Freiheit in Hamburg had been chosen as arena for the show which began at 22:00. It was hosted by Barbara Schöneberger with Janin Reinhardt as greenroom host.
As the name Club Concert gives away then it was held as a concert with the stage as at a concert and the audience standing in front. The acts tonight was backed up by a regular band on stage.
The show started with Elaiza on stage for a talk about last year’s experience winning the club concert, the national final and then representing Germany at the Eurovision Song Contest, and then it was time for all the participants to perform.
After the competing acts and a reprise to help the TV viewers to make their decision we were entertained with a performance from a German act before another interview with Elaiza, which was followed by yet another reprise.
Shortly before the result of tonight was announced the 7 finalists already chosen for the German final were presented in short videos.
The result:
The ten acts taking part in the Club Concert round where picked from a total of 1270 videos. An expert jury consisting of representatives from the broadcaster NDR and various record companies picked the 10 that entries which then competed tonight. The winner will take part in the national final, Unser Song für Österreich, on the 5th of March.
In the show tonight it was however only the public voting via sms.
1. Ann Sophie 24,1 %
2. Ason 18,1%
3. Moonjos 12%
4. Klangpoet 11,6 %
5. Sophie 8,0 %
6. Alisson Bonnefoy 7,5 %
7. Aden 7,3 %
8. Lars PinkWart 5,7 %
9. Sendi 3,2 %
10. Louise 2,5 %
Germany at the Eurovision Song Contest:
When the Eurovision Song Contest started in 1956 Germany was in it, and that they have been ever since. The country, which is automatically qualified for the final, has won the contest twice; first time in 1982 where Nicole won with the Ralph Siegel written song Ein bißchen Frieden and then again in 2010 Lena Meyer-Landrut took Europe by storm with the song Satelite.
As a socalled big5 country, Germany is automatically qualified for the final of the Eurovision Song Contest.