Alexander Rybak in duet with Paula Seling

The exclusive premiere took place in the Romanian morning show called Neatza cu Razvan si Dani where both singers were performing their song live. The song is called I’ll Show You and it was written and composed by Alexander himself.

Alexander Rybak, the winner of the 2009 Eurovision Song Contest and Paula Seling, one half of the Romanian duo from 2010, have recorded a song together and he travelled to Romania for the official presentation of their new duet song to the Romanian audience. They also talked a bit about how they have worked on it.

The idea came up when the two artists met in Oslo during the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest where Paula came third with the song Playing With Fire performed together with Ovi. Alexander said that he was jealous of Ovi when he listened to him singing with Paula in Oslo and then he decided to take Ovi’s place. He said that in 2010 he did not have too much time to talk to her, but he remember that she was there and she was very smiling and warm and he thought it would be a good idea to work with her and to do a duet.

He might have thought about it for a long time, but everything started six months ago when they met in the Romanian X-Factor where Paula was one of the jury members. Alexander helped her to pick her final entrants for the show and then they realized that they could do music together.

Paula said that it took quite a long time because it is not easy to produce a song being in two different countries, but the song fits both of them, their voices and also their personalities so this might end up being a chart success in the weeks to come.

Below you can watch the live performance of the duet between Alexander and Paula:

Source: Antena 1, EuroVisionary
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