Hera Björk will participate at the 2009 Dansk Melodi Grand Prix. EuroVisionary have talked to her about the song, what she learned by being backing singer for Euroband in Belgrade, the good old 80’s with Kirsten & Søren and then she reveals what she would serve for the Danish Queen Margrethe.
First of all I would like to congratulate you with being chosen for the Dansk Melodi Grand Prix. Has the song been written for you or did you get in touch with the songwriters after it had been selected?
Thank you:) The songwriters contacted me in september and asked me if I would like to do this project with them! They sent me a few songs to listen to and I picked 5 songs that I liked the most. Next step was singing the demo and then they sent the whole bunch into the competition. And when Someday was picked we were all thrilled and determined to go all the way with it!
What can you tell us about the song – what do we have to look forward to?
It is a really good song with all the things that makes a great Grand prix song! The melody is catchy, we have a modulation, the lyric is hopeful and optimistic and there´s a little bit of the ABBA magic involved:) We´re gonna have a lot of fun for these 3 minutes we have on stage:)
Søren Bundgaard, who has represented Denmark three times in the Eurovision Song Contest together with Kirsten Siggaard and one time with Birthe Kjær, is producer on the song. As he is such a well known name to Eurovision fans I have to ask you if you are familiar with his previous Eurovision Song Contest songs and if so, which of them are your favorite?
I didn’t quite know who he was when we met for the first time
in the studio! But when we started talking I found out that he had actually written songs that I knew very well and remembered quite clearly from the 80´:) Vi maler byen rød is one of them and I also really liked Ka’ du se hva’ jeg sa! When he told me that was one of his songs a picture pooped up in my mind of a couple in green and blue and a pregnant lady with one of the greatest hair-dues in history:))
Do you normally follow the Eurovision Song Contest yourself – and do you have any personal favorites among the many songs over the years?
Yes I have watched the ESC for as long as I can remember! Even though Iceland did´nt participate until ´86 we always watched it on TV! When we got the amazing Video-recorder in the early ´80 I started taping the competition and played it 1000 of times, stood up in the sofa and sang in a candlestick:)
I have so many favorite songs but the one that comes first to mind and completely got me is the yugoslavian Željo moja from 1986:) I love the melody in that song!
You were in Belgrade at the Eurovision Song Contest last year singing choir for Euroband. Have you picked up on any tricks which you might be able to use should you be chosen to represent Denmark this year?
The trick is to have fun all the way – this is not to be taken to seriously! Music should always be about lifting the spirit and ESC to me is a festival of musicians and fans from all over Europe having fun, uniting in one city and getting to know each others cultures a little bit better! It´s of course OK to have an opinion – every body are allowed to have their own taste and I know as a singer that I will never ever be able to please everybody so let´s just enjoy the ride with a big smile on our faces:))
From your website I can read that you are quite multitalented having been a prime time TV host on Iceland, working as a singing instructor and also a solo singer with several albums behind you. What do you like the most?
I first end foremost looove singing:) But I also love my teaching job! I am an "Authorized Complete Vocal Technique Teacher" and that technique gives me the perfect "tools" to work with when I am teaching! Also it involves a lot of traveling and that I love:)
My days as a TV-host are not totally over yet I fear – I feel very comfortable in front of the camera and love working with the people behind the lens 🙂 My head is always full of ideas and I actually have a TV-serie on my table witch I am developing slowly but gradually:)
I know that you have lived in Denmark for four years now, but have you had any thoughts about if the Danes might not vote for you because they prefer a Dane to represent them?
No, actually I don´t!
I have never felt like an outsider in Denmark and I know that Danes have an open mind and will vote for the best song and performance!
I also know that the people of Denmark will see that when I am on stage I am totally giving it my very best and if chosen, representing Denmark would be my honor:)
Historically there are quite strong connections between Iceland and Denmark, but being a musician in both countries what are the biggest differences between those countries music wise? And what similarities?
Woww this is a tough one!
In general the difference is not so big! We have rock bands and indie bands that are similar to Denmark!
Mabey the biggest difference is the size of the market! You will not become rich by being only a musician in Iceland – an artist can sell 15.000-20.000 albums the most and that does´nt happen very frequently. Of course there is something unique about some icelandic musicians but I am not the person to pinpoint "why" – mabey the energetic nature:)
So the conclusion of this "blahh" is…….:))
Which question that I haven’t asked you would you like to ask yourself and what would your answer to it be?
Ohh I like this one:)
Well I wanna ask myself which member of the Danish Royal Family I would invite to dinner and what would I serve that person?
I would invite Queen Margrét Þórhildur to join me for a fantastic meal of sushi and fried Halumi cheese and with this we would drink "Malt & Appelsín" a traditional icelandic drink! This is my favorite food and I believe she will love it a swell:))
EuroVisionary would like to thank Hera Björk for taking the time to talk to us and we wish her all the best for the 2009 Dansk Melodi Grand Prix that will be held on 31st of January.