This afternoon the rehearsals for the Eurovision Song Contest 2016 continued with the next block of countries in the second semi final, to be held on May 12th.This section opened with Ireland.
Ireland: Nicky Byrne – Sunlight
The lighting at the start of this song is very red starting with the beam which shoots down from the ceiling. Nicky is again wearing the tan and red leather coat, so we will assume that this will be his stage outfit on the semi final night.
Nicky is backed by a three piece band, a keyboardist, drummer and guitarist, trying to give the impression that this is a team effort. Nicky again uses as few notes as possible when singing the words, ending them very quickly. Yellow lights shoot out of the red to give a burning sun impression.
At the second chorus a flash of blue lights appear and Nicky walks to the satellite stage at the front. There are lots of close up shots of his face.Despite being one of the better known names in the contest, I cannot see which country will give up its place in the final to let Ireland in, leaving them stuck in the semis for the third year in a row.
FYR Macedonia: Kaliopi – Dona
Euro old school with this pleasing Balkan ballad, Kaliopi stands under the blue spotlights, wearing a light purple dress and a black cloak.
There are no fany gimmicks here as she stands and sings the song aided by her three harmonising female backing singers. To her left a drummer sits, though what he’s doing there isn’t exactly clear.
The camera pulls out to a few view of the arena during the chorus and the red and yellow fire effect is used.
Sadly she has chosen to keep the end screech note it, which is a huge mistake.
Lithuania: Donny Montell – I’ve Been Waiting For This Night
There were two sound issues before Lithuania got started. Donny has been having his hair re-done by Hovi Star. He is wearing a black leather jacket with blue sleeves and messages emblazoned on it like #FAITH and 1991, plus sparkly green sneakers.
Choreography will be his downfall, with an early spin, but worse when he jumped through the smoke on the trampoline he visibly twisted his wrist.
There are lots of green lights shooting out and exploding on the floor, with lots of lights streaming out from the back wall. This first rehearsal has probably sealed Lithuania’s fate but there’s still two more chances.
On the second its a blue striped waistcoat or maybe the same jacket but it inter changes. The trampoline has been dumped.
A white leather jacket is the chosen wear for round three – the moves kill the whole thing. A full head over heels spin precedes the trampoline – I’m going to talk to him.
Australia: Dami Im – Sound Of Silence
From one big car crash, to the classy Australian performance. Dami starts of reposed on her big blue box, wearing the same expensive dress, from last rehearsal, and indeed the one she will wear in the semi final.
Two blue spotlights shine down on her while a whole streak of blue lights shine up at the ceiling.The holograms are still there but it is debatable as to whether they are effective or not.They represent the lack of connection with loved ones who have busy lifes.
Dami is helped down from the box by two stage hands and walks forward on the stage while light blue lights pulsate. She performs the last chorus as close to the edge of the stage as she can get.
Slovenia: ManuElla – Blue and Red
ManuElla returns with her body popping white dress and has to stop due to technical issues after half a minute. So round two. Facing left, hand raised off we go. Would it be fair to say that ManuElla studies Taylor Swift’s moves quite a lot. Walking towards the front of the stage there are several poses towards the camera.
In comes our acrobat – work out yourself the significance of why he’s needed in the performance, yet no sign of the backup singers.
The flooring is yet again blue, and totally ignoring the song’s title, not a sign of any red. After the acrobat has had a good swing, there are purple flashlights in the background. The showering gold pyrotechnics surround the stage on the third rehearsal.
Bulgaria: Poli Genova – If Love Was A Crime
Poli acknowledged at her press conference that her backing singers are on stage as they deserve to be as they are part of the act .Raise a glass that someone recognises this.
For that reason she can be forgiven the dress. Will anyone really be heading to get a costume like this – a tan body suit, black cape and white illuminated bands.
Close up of the face and the futuristic earrings starts the show.The silvery blue lights shining left to right in the background are very classy. They eventually extend on to the floor. Yellow and blue strobes shine down from the ceiling.
Poli does her dancing with the policemen behind her, and the good news for her, is her song is a real modern number and has a real uplifting chorus, that should see her through to the finals.
Tonight continues with Denmark, Ukraine,Norway, Georgia, Albania and Belgiun