A year ago, one half of the Danish pop duo Olsen Brothers, Niels ‘Noller’ Olsen, was given a couple of years to live in. In relation to a new documentary about this 2000 Eurovision winner, he talks about the past year, and reveals a difficult, but optimistic view on the future.
The documentary ‘To brødre – en karriere’ (Two brothers – one career) premiered last evening on Danish TV. Through two episodes, it tells the story about the Olsen Brothers’ career from the mid 1965 and up until now. It’s a career with ups and downs and the two brothers openly talk about the past: How it all began when they were still children, the down period in the 1980’s where Niels ‘Noller’s alcohol abuse really took over, how he got back on track again, and how they got another career peak when they quite surprisingly won the Danish final and later the Eurovision Song Contest in 2000. But it’s also the sad story about one man – through alcolhol and now cancer – fighting for his life and his brother, feeling powerless.
Last autumn, Jørgen Olsen performed a few planned gigs alone. His brother was sick. No one knew how serious until the news broke in December 2019 that he was diagnosed with brain cancer. He also spoke openly about that the doctors had given him 2 to 4 years.
In the year that followed, Niels ‘Noller’ has been close to dying twice. He has received extremely strong treatment and has been admitted to the hospital in most of this period. He is still in recovery, and the cancer can come back at any moment, but right now he tells that he is cancer free. He is slightly optimistic about the future, and believe that he might just be able to get six more years to live in.
In the TV documentary, Niels ‘Noller’ has tears in his eyes when he quietly says the words: ‘I believe I can live another six years‘. His brother Jørgen comfortingly adds that it will probably be 12 years. Jørgen also talks about how it’s now up to him to pay back the love and support Noller has given him through the years. When talking about the future Niels ‘Noller’ Olsen says that he misses performing, but unfortunately believe it’s over. He adds though, again slightly optimistic ‘but one never knows’.
Jørgen clearly finds it difficult to talk about a solo career, but he does say that he can’t stop at the moment. It’s still too much his identity and it’s not time yet. He finishes with the words: ‘I hope I will realise in time, or others around will, when it’s over’.
Niels ‘Noller’ Olsen is 66 years old. In 2000, him and his 4 year older brother Jørgen won the Eurovision Song Contest with the song Fly On The Wings Of Love. We don’t know what the future holds for the two of them, but at EuroVisionary, we do wish them both all the best.
In the video below you can watch Olsen Brothers’ last performance together from the festival SmukFest in summer 2019: