Read All About It! Italy’s Singer For Baku Will (all right, may) Be

Tonight, among the entries chosen for Baku will be the Italian song. The final evening of the Sanremo Festival will see the announcement of the artists chosen by a special jury to represent Italy in Baku. Here is a guide to the chances each singer has of being chosen.

Arisa – La Notte – Arisa’s third festival sees a new musical direction and also her image transformed. La Notte is possibly the best song yet. It would make a fabulous entry and she may jump at the chance to be seen globally. Chances = 8/10

Samuele Bersani – Un Pallone – When writing Un Pallone, Samuele wanted to reflect where Italy is at the moment. It’s a chirpy number and not something one might expect from Italy. Chances = 6/10

Pierdavide Carone e Lucio Dalla – Nanì – Lucio’s role in performing the song is very limited and would pass unnoticed if the camera wasn’t on him. Backing singers could easily take his place if the legend himself doesn’t want to go on stage leaving Pierdavide as essentially a soloist. It’s temporary elimination from the festival makes it an unlikely choice, although it did survive last night’s cull. Chances = 4/10

Chiara Civello – Al Posto del Mondo – She was seen as a strong contender to win the festival. However, she was voted out of the festival last night, possibly caused partly by her choice of dueting partner. She may still be considered if she achieved a good result after the first round of voting on Tuesday and she would be a good choice. She is an established artist in Brazil and hoped her participation in the festival would help her “conquer Italy.” She could have counquered the world with this.  Chances 7/10

Dolcenera – Ci vediamo a Casa – I will try to be objective as Dolcenera is my favourite Italian singer of modern times. Although the lyrics of Ci vediamo a Casa are serious, the atmosphere is lighter than some of her previous Sanremo entries. She would be an excellent ambassador. Chances = 8/10

Emma – Non è l’inferno – Apparantly, this is the bookies favourite to win tonight. Her voice is strong and she would be a good representative of the young faces of Italian music. The rock song could certainly continue Italy’s successful return to Eurovision. Chances = 9/10

Irene Fornaciari – Grande Mistero  – She was voted out of the festival at the first opportunity and wasn’t voted back on Thursday. She never looked comfortable on stage in any of her performances and Italians like a good performer. Chances = 2/10

Eugenio Finardi – E tu lo Chiami Dio – A good sonmg and a good singer, but at 59, he may be considered too old given that RAI seemed keen last year to showcase new Italian singers. Chances – 5/10

Gigi D’Alessio e Loredana Bertè – Respirare – Not one of the best songs Gigi has written and Loredana’s presence is unsettling if you’re not used to her. However, the audience reaction to their reinstatement to the competition on Thursday showed how much the Italian public love Loredana,and it would appeal to their sense of humour to send her to Eurovision. Chances 6/10

Marlene Kuntz Canzone per un Figlio – They described themselves “the real alternative” going into the festival. Although they were also permanently voted out of the festivities, the Italian mentality could be influential; it’s a credible song and sending a song that Italians though among the two worst of 14 to compete against the rest of Europe is something that Italians would do. Chances = 4/10

Matia Bazar – Sei tu – The self-proclaimed ‘Sanremo Veterans’ are back again….or at least, they were! They were knocked out of the festival last night in what was widely seen as a big shock. Could they be asked to do Eurovision as a consolation? While it’s not an impossible happening, it is not very likely. Chances = 6/10

Nina Zilli – Per Sempre – Nina hasa classic Italian look and her song has all the ingredients of a classic Italian song. This gives her a very good chance. Chances = 9/10

Noemi – Sono Solo Parole – Her voice takes a bit of getting used to, there are shades of the Mia Martini croak. The song would need a bit of beefing up to have a chance of a decent finish in May and she is only likely to be chosen if she wins. Chances = 3/10

Francesco Renga – La tua Bellezza – He has already won the festival and is one of the favourites this year, and with plenty of justification. I think La tua Bellezza is better than his 2005 winner, Angelo. Italy’s reputation would be safe in Francesco’s vocal cords and would be a sensible choice. Chances 9/10

Alessandro Casillo – E’ Vero – Alesasandro won the Giovanni section of the festival last night and this is where Raphael Gualazzi emerged from last year. There would have been no reason to suspect that the winner of the Giovanni this year would follow in Raphael’s footsteps until last night. Alessandro is 15 years old but is eligible for the Eurovision Song Contest as he will be 16 in the year of the contest. The big question is if RAI would want to send someone so young, even though he was vocally assured. This makes the whole selection process much harder to call. Chances = 9/10

Erica Mou – Nella Vasca da Bagno del Tempo – Erica was second in the Giovanni section and may well be called upon if RAI want the representative to come from this area of the festival and consider Alessandro too young. Chances = 9/10

Italy’s entry for the 2012 Eurovision Song Contest is probably going to come from one of four places; the winner or runner up of Sanremosocial (Giovanni) or the winner or runner up from the Artisti. Contractually, it would be more difficult for RAI to insist that an established artist go to Baku with three months notice as these people usually have their diaries booked for then. It is much easier  for RAI to insist that a newcomer go if asked. On that basis, and if Alessandro is considered too young, I think Italy will choose Erica Mou to go to Baku.

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