Iris goes into the fire in the land of fire and takes to the stage in Baku. Would the tender ballad by youngster Iris acheive a good result?
Young Iris took to the stage to have her first run through of the song Would You in Baku. Dressed in a casual white outfit consisting of white pants and a sleevless top, Iris is accompanied on stage by three backing singers, dressed in similarly relaxed fashion. The relatively inexperienced singer seemed like she felt uncomfortable on stage, clearly troubled by vocal issues, having difficulty controlling her voice at the beginning. In the latter part of the rehearsal she managed to gain control, improving considerablysing. The three girls helped to beef up the vocal arrangement of this tender ballad in the huge venue.
Arrangement wise, the main instruments, piano and strings sounded well together, coming across well in the hall. Although the song is quite a slow number, the performance comes across as very static, with little choreography, both singer and backing singers remaining more or less still on stage which does nothing to make the performance that little more interesting.
The setting for Iris’ performance was awash with bright purples and blues with pink spotlights falling on the stage. A mottled effect in various pinks illuminated the front of the stage. There seems to be some kind of underwater theme going on with bubbles rising up over the and what resemble trees or branches in similar colours.
The total impression of her perfomance was more that of a very young girl trying to do her best on the huge Baku stage.