She was often refered to as the "&" when she together with Rollo & King represented Denmark at the 2001 Eurovision Song Contest. Signe Svendsen now has her own name under which she is back with a new album and about to start her autumn tour around the country.
Denmark was close to making the double when Rollo & King finished second at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2001 on homefield. The song; Never Ever Let You Go, was performed by two guys; Rollo and King, and a girl named Signe Svendsen. Signe was however not mentioned, which let to her nick name as "the &".
Since that Signe has made a name for herself. Her debut album was released in 2010, and a few weeks ago the second one hit the streets. It is entirely in Danish and titled Kun De Faldne Rejser Sig Igen (Only the fallen ones stand up again).
The album has been well received, both among the critics and the general population buying it. It went straight into the charts and after three weeks it is still to be found there. It is currently #25 on the Album Top40, which covers physical sales. On the list for downloaded sales, the Bit Album Top20, it is #11, after being second last week.
Danish newspaper B.T writes in their review of the album: "There is an almost magical silence and intimacy over Signe Svendsen’s subdued expression, which matches pop and folk. The 10 new songs fits perfectly to the arrival of the autumn…. All the lyrics are supplied with a melody easy to whistle and a production, which caress both the ear and the heart".
Experienced colleaguges in the music industry also speaks highly about the album. Leadsinger in the band TV-2, Steffen Brandt, has been quoted for saying: "If there are to be any justice, this must be Stine Svendsen’s big well deserved breakthrough".
In just a few days, on the 16th of October Signe Svendsen starts an autumn tour around Denmark. She will be touring with Lars Skjærbæk, Troels Skjærbæk, Søren Poulsen and Tess Pedersen (Sound). The tour kicks off in Vostrup and is currently mentioned to end in Greve on the 9th of November.
Below you find a link to purchasing the new album, just as you can see the official video to the single Hjemløse Hjerte (Homeless heart).