After Flemming Bamse Jørgensen passed away on New Year’s Eve the band have a decision to make. Will they close down and conclude that the band died with him or will they continue with a new leadsinger? Last night might have given the answer when Stig Rossen sang with the band – and expressed a wish to do it again.
With the death of Flemming Bamse Jørgensen most concerts were cancelled, one however was carried out last night with Stig Rossen, who participated in the Danish finals in 1988 and 2007. After the concert he said to Danish newspaper, BT, that he is ready to do it again: If they ask again, I’ll say yes. It is a difficult situation. I am playing with some guys who not only lost their job, but also a dear friend. It is not just something we do, but if they ask, I’ll say yes. I might just give up my own career, I might just. This is life, out on the roads, to the clubs and the concerts, completely in Bamse’s Spirit.
Bamses Venner represented Denmark at the Eurovision Song Contest in 1980 with the song Tænker Altid På Dig. Flemming Bamse Jørgensen died on New Year’s Night 63 years old. Monday the 7th of February, on his birthday, a memorial concert will take place where several well known participants will perform. Read more about this concert.
Below you can see a small clip from the concert last night where Bamses Venner with Stig Rossen as leadsinger performs the hit Hvorfor Går Louise Til Bal.