Romania’s fate at Eurovision 2012 to be decided tonight

Will Romania take part at the Eurovision Song Contest 2012? The answer will be revealed tonight, when during the board meeting of Romanian broadcaster SRTv, Romania’s fate at the upcoming contest in may will be decided according to the Romanian newspaper Adevărul. Romania may not take part due to financial problems.

Adevărul, the newspaper which in 2010 was the main sponsor of Romania’s participation at the Eurovision Song Contest released today an article claiming that Dan Manoliu, the new Head of the Romanian Delegation, has been in negotiations with EBU but a final decision still hasn’t been made. 

"I spoke to Jon Ola Sand, the supervisor of the Eurovision Song Contest, and tried to get a fee cut, but I failed. Moreover, to this fee we have to add the costs of organizing the National Selection, the promotion, departure to Baku and the show there. It’s a financial effort, but it would be a pitty not to go. Romania has always qualified to the Finals".

It seems that TVR tried to make an internal selection and choose Inna, the Romanian superstar, to represent Romania at the Eurovision Song Contest 2012 but she declined the offer.        

Will Romania take part at the Eurovision Song Contest 2012? Stay tuned on EuroVisionary to find out!  

Source: Adevărul, EuroVisionary
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