Romania’s highly-fancied duo of Paula Seling and Ovi rehearsed second today. Will we be playing with fire next year in Bucharest?
Paula Seling and Ovi won their national final quite convincingly some months ago. Their performance now, as then, is energetic and they gave 100% today.
The double-ended piano last seen in the song’s music video makes another appearance, although you can tell that they are not really playing it. But there is certainly a little checmistry between them, which helps to sell this song. The outfit theme is black and leather, making Paula look even taller than she is. Our backdrop this time is an effective blue during the verses, and a fiery effect during the choruses and bridge. They leave the double piano for the final chorus of the song, but tend not to know what to do.
This is a song that you cannot really hate. It probably won’t win, but should make the final.