This Saturday the Finnish preselection Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu (UMK) kicked off. The next three weekends we will get introduced to 18 songs – 6 songs per semifinal. A total of 9 songs will proceed to the final on February 28th. Tonight Satin Circus, Norlan El Misionario and Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät were voted to the final.
Tonight the first of three semifinals of the Finnish preselection
Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu (UMK) took place. It was up to the Finnish public to vote three songs out of six to the big final.
The songs:
1) Satin Circus – Crossroads
Satin Circus belongs to the pre-favourites. Their song Crossroads is a catchy midtempo popsong and reminds a bit of songs by the band One Republic.
2) Hans on the Bass – Loveshine
This is a midtempo popsong with some reggae elements. The catchy song
provides some summer feeling and the voice of the female lead singer
makes it easy to listen to it.
3) Vilikasper Kanth – Äänenkantamattomiin
The first song sung in Finnish! This is also a midtempo popsong with a
catchy guitar accompainment which could easily be played on the radio.
4) Pihka ja myrsky – Sydän ei nuku
A modern song and the third one in Finnish! The song is midtempo and
features some electropop sequences. The chorus appears a bit repetitive.
5) Norlan El Misionario – No voy a llorar por ti
Another catchy song in this line-up! The song is sung in Spanish which
is definitely unsual in a Finnish preselection. Especially the chorus
offers some Latino rhythms. The verses are rapped. Will the Finns vote
for this kind of song?
6) Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät – Aina mun pitää
This song reminds a lot of the 2008 Finnish entry by Teräsbetoni. It a loud rock song where you can hardly find any melody. Actually this music style is not unpopular in Finland and the fact that some band members are handicapped might give them some sympathy votes.
The results:
The three acts who proceed to the final on February 28th were determined by public vote. The lucky ones are:
Satin Circus
Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät
Norlan El Misionario