Cherub faced Axel Hirsoux from Belgium gave a powerful, heart wrenching vocal performance on Monday, but the staging was just a little too static. Would we see changes today and would he still be sporting his trademark tuxedo on stage?
Axel takes to the stage for his second set of rehearsals with the same stunning deep purple backdrop with paisley effect which is also replicated on the black stage floor. The rows of amethyst spotlights above him set off his black tuxedo perfectly.
The staging of his second rehearsal is identical to the first. The same middle aged woman joins Axel on stage doing an expressive dance routine beside him; this comes across as a mere distraction, adding nothing to the performance and actually detracting from the intensity somewhat.
Axel shows once again that he really can belt out a tune. His voice initially sounds rather thin, but quickly develops into a rich, powerful force to be reckoned with. There’s nothing wrong with the way Axel manages to communicate visually with the camera, but at times this does come across as a little overpowering. There is a fine line to be trodden when it comes to presentation, less should definitely be more and Axel would clearly benefit from toning down the pathos somewhat. A competent set of rehearsals for Belgium today.