Eurosong 2014 day 3 – Lithuania’s first rehearsal

Serial music competition entrant Vilija Matačiŭnaitè is a Jazz Vocal Studies graduate from Vilnius College. Vilija will be the second artist to be taking to the stage for her first rehearsal today. Singing for Lithuania, she will be trying to be noticed for all the right reasons with her song ‘Attention’.

The song starts with the stage lit in green. Vilija is wearing a black tutu skirt matched with a black sleeveless top, tights and boots. The first shot is of her arm in arm with a male dancer who has his back to the camera. The dancer is also dressed in black and remains on stage with the singer for the whole duration of the song. The two of them perform a well worked dance routine which, at some point towards the end, includes a sequence with the male dancer under Vilija’s tutu skirt passing his arms through two large holes on either side of it. Despite the macho lyrics of her song, Vilija actually comes across quite sweet. There is the occasional thin vocal moment during the first run of the song, but her vocal performance is good overall.

The initial bold green used for the stage during the first run of the song was softened down to a lighter tone in subsequent runs. This is used for the edges of the stage as well as spotlights which get reflected on the shiny stage floor. The background walls display impressions of falling broken pieces of glass in white, grey and black and turn into a much brighter white during the chorus. There is also white smoke ejected from the edges of the stage, adding to the dynamism of the presentation. The song finishes with another shot of Vilija and her dancer against a darker stage background.

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