There are 13 songs included on the newly released album from The Common Linnets, and all 13 of them are to be found on the Dutch single Top 100. The Eurovision Song Contest entries from six other countries however also made it to the list.
With all 13 songs from the album featured on the Dutch single Top 100 The Common Linnets are quite a hit in the Netherlands. The album already earned platinum status and is of course the currently best selling album in the country.
The Eurovision entry; Calm After The Storm, is located as #1 on the single Top 100 with a total of 9 weeks on the list now. The other songs from the album are placed as #13, #16, #41, #44, #52, #61, #64, #66, #75, #84, #86 and #92.
On the single Top 100 we do also find some of the other entries from this year’s Eurovision Song Contest. The Austrian winning song Rise Like A Phoenix by Conchita Wurst is the highest placed of the others as #3. Norway’s Carl Espen is #20 and one place lower we find Sanna Nielsen, representing Sweden.
We need to digg deeper to find more Eurovision entries; Denmark’s Cliché Love Song by Basim is located at #71, Aram MP3 who represented Armenia is to be found at #94 and finally we find Switzerland’s Sebalter at #98.