It happens every year that Eurovision Song Contest entries are accused of plaigiarism. This year the first real accusation hits Denmark. Brinck’s Believe Again is being compared to songs of both Miley Cyrus and Ryan Cabrere. Judge for yourself if there is anything about it.
A few days after winning the 2009 Dansk Melodi Grand Prix Brinck and the songwriters Ronan Keating, Lars Halvor Jensen and Martin M Larsson were met with the first accusations of having stolen someone else’s work. This time it was the lyrics which some believed was too similar. Brinck sings in the chorus:
“And I… I wanna believe in love
I wanna believe in something bigger
Than the two of us...”
Miley Cyrus sings in the song Bigger Than Us:
“We all want to believe in love,
We all want to believe in something,
Bigger than just us”
Similar lyrics yes, but copyright of lyrics can be hard to claim with just three lines in a chorus. A language only have a certain amount of words and with all the songs being written it is not possible to claim that lyrics should be 100% new.
Yesterday a second accusation of plagiarism hit the Danish entry and this time it was about the music. Believe Again was being mentioned as a copy of Ryan Cabrere’s I Will Remember You which has been used in an episode of the TV series Will & Grace.
Below you can find the videos to all three songs; Brinck’s Believe Again, Ryan Cabrere’s I Will Remember You and Miley Cyrus’s Bigger Than Us. It is now up to you to judge whether or not there is valid reason to shout plagiarism this time or if is just another of those endless accusations we see every year, but rarely leads to anything and certainly not a disqualification from the Eurovision Song Contest.