TRT Opens 2012 Poll for Baku

Turkish broadcaster TRT’s music channel TRT Music has opened their annual poll for the public to choose Turkey’s representative at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2012. The poll will show the public decision to the broadcaster as in previous years.

Turkish broadcaster TRT has been choosing its representative by internal selection since 2003, with the exception of 2005. As a new tradition have been started by the corporation in 2009, TRT opens a poll to get a public opinion on potential representatives each year.

Everyone can take part in this poll as in previous years. You can have your say about the Turkish representative by send in your suggestion to TRT. Suggest your name and click "Gönder" (Send) at the buttom of the voting page. Once the poll closes, TRT will contact the artist with the most nominations in order to make a proposal for participation at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2012. Should the artist with the most nominations not show any interest in participation, TRT will merely continue on down throught the list, artist by artist in order of popularity.

In 2009 Hadise was selected internally following a poll result and achieved a succesfull 4th place. The following year, MaNga who was chosen after public choice once again, continued the tradition going one better and coming in a respectable 2nd place. With this result, MaNga received the highest position in Turkish history after Sertab Erener‘s victory in 2003. Though last year, a poll was opened by the corporation, it’s has never been officially announced whether Yüksek Sadakat was chosen on the merits of public opinion or not. Following Yüksek Sadakat’s failure in the contest (one of the biggest in Turkey’s contest history), it is reported that TRT will take a more professional approach in addition to the poll result when deciding on the representative name and song.

Last year Yüksek Sadakat ended up 13th in the first semifinal, thus failing to qualify for the final – the first time ever in Turkish history at the contest. You can watch their song Live It Up below.


TRT 2012 Poll

Source: EuroVisionary, TRT
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