Turkish representatives Yüksek Sadakat who were internally chosen by the Turkish broadcaster TRT, set out on the first leg of their promo tour with Bosnia & Herzegovina and Azerbaijan. The group also revealed further information about their promotion schedule.
After the deadline of submitting all the songs and videoclips had passed for all of the participiants, Turkish representatives Yüksek Sadakat have begun their promo tour.
Bosnia and Herzegovina was first on their list, where the group paid a visit to national broadcaster BHRT and then they also gave a long interview with Bosnian media source, Source.ba. You can also watch this interview in English & Bosnian.
The second country on Yüksek Sadakat’s way was Azerbaijan. There the group also attended a Eurovision programme with Azeri national broadcaster, İçtimai TV. You can watch more about Azerbaijan in Turkish and in Azeri.
The group will continue on the first leg of their promotional tour with:
- Germany (concert and TV shows)
- Netherlands (Eurovision in Concert)
- Albania (TV shows)
- Malta (TV shows)
It is also planned that the group will be visiting:
- Romania
- San Marino
- Croatia
- Italy
- Belarus
It is announced there will be some more countries to be added to the schedule of promo tours and concerts.
Yüksek Sadakat will be participating in the first semifinal as act number 5 at the Eurovision Song Contest on the 10th of May with their song Live It Up. You can also watch the official videoclip below.
In my view
It is good to see the group will be visiting many countries during their promotional tour, but frankly their strategy has a few weaknesses :
- It is rumoured that the group will be visiting some countries at TRT’s request, such as Azerbajian, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Albania.
- The group had already scheduled the concerts in Netherlands and Germany before they had been chosen internally, thus turning these profitable concerts into a promo tour.
- It is really not necessary to visit countries such as Romania, Albania, Netharlands, Azerbaijan, Germany or even Bosnia & Herzegovina where there are a number of points guaranteed from the Turkish diaspora. We even can add Croatia to this list as this country awarded Turkey 12 points last year.
The opinion expressed in "In my view" are those of the author and are not necessarily the one of EuroVisionary.com.