Söngvakeppnin Sjónvarpsins continues on Saturday – Next 5 songs now online

Saturday we saw the first two songs for the Icelandic final being picked. This coming Saturday another 5 songs will compete for two spots in the final where they will join among others, 2004 Eurovision Song Contest representative, Jónsi. 

Over three preliminary heats 15 songs will be introduced to the Icelandic population. A total of six of them will qualify for the final to be held on the 11th of February. The lucky one to win it all will represent Iceland at the 2012 Eurovision Song Contest in May. 

From first heat Jónsi & Greta Salóme Stefánsdóttir and the group Blár Ópal qualified for the final. The five acts to compete in the second heat are:

1. Ellert JóhannssonÉg kem með

2. Simbi & Hrútspungarnir – Hey

3. Rósa Birgitta ÍsfeldStund með þér

4. Regína Ósk ÓskarsdóttirHjartað brennur

5. Guðrún Árný KarlsdóttirMinningar

The five songs can be heard on Icelandic broadcaster, RUV’s website.

Source: RUV, EuroVisionary
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