Second dress rehearsal for second semi-finalists

The 19 participants in the second semi-final has just been on stage for the second time today. This was the so-called jury final, which is the one the juries base their votes on. The technical problems from the first one had been solved and only one rehearsal is now left until it really counts tomorrow evening.

Note: The opinion expressed in this article are those of the author and are not necessarily the one of

1. Bosnia & Herzegovina – Dino MerlinLove In Rewind

A very relaxed peformance and a well known name in his neighbour countries will probably bring this into Saturday’s final. Though the song is catchy in some parts and he has a nice voice it appears to me like the song is only half done – and there is too much activity on stage for a song in this genre and the use of pyrotechnics I just don’t get at all. 

2. Austria – Nadine BeilerThe Secret Is Love

And then to something completely different. The setting is very simple with Nadine standing infront of the microphone. This song will be carried through on her voice… and if that doesn’t fail it seems unlikely not to qualify as there is always a place for a ballad like this. 

3. Netherlands – 3JSNever Alone

If the Netherlands can’t make it to the final with this one then question is if they ever can under the current rules. The three band members looks convincing on stage and it will be hard to find anyone disliking the song. Some are indicating that the song might be too boring, but I am quite sure The Netherlands will reach the final for the first time since semi-finals were introduced.

4. Belgium – Witloof BayWith Love Baby

While I am still trying to understand how this actually could win the national final in Belgium, I do acknowledge that many people all around Europe like a good a capella song – this song is just not good. I am impressed about their voices, but the song is not doing anything for me and I seriously doubt it will come even close to being in top10 for this semi-final.

5. Slovakia – TWiiNSI’m Still Alive

Does anyone have stastics on how many men will typically be voting in such a semi-final? The outcome of that would be able to tell whether or not we have a qualifier here. The song is quite outdated, if you ask me (and that you do if you are reading this article!), but their looks can easily do it for them. If enough men will vote we have a qualifier here.  

6. Ukraine – Mika NewtonAngel

Is there space for another ballad with Austria being likely to reach the final? It appears like she is struggling quite hard with her voice in this dress rehearsal. The windmaschine and the, let’s call it interesting, background will not be enough for her. 

7. Moldova – Zdob şi ZdubSo Lucky

This is not at all my taste, but I do acknowledge that there is fans of this out there. They will probably all have to vote if this is to make it to the final. They are quite sure in what they are doing on stage, but the angel on the one wheel bycicle I just don’t get. It might just make it simply because there are fans for this, but I think this semi-final is too strong for it. 

8. Sweden – Eric SaadePopular

Eric Saade has had quite some technical problems in previous rehearsals, but we can only hope they are solved for tomorrow’s semi-final – tonight the glass trick worked. The fans like him, but is the song strong enough to convince many of the regular voters around Europe? Personally I think it will end up 8th to 12th in this semi, leaving it a maybe qualifier. 

9. Cyprus – Christos MylordosSan Aggelos S’agapisa

I really like this song and the performance is extremely good. From time to time it appears like they have gone for some wrong camera ancles, but it won’t be that, which will keep it from reaching the final. It is a very strong song, but it is stuck in a strong semi-final, which makes me doubt it will come through.

10. Bulgaria – Polly GenovaNa Inat

Here we have one of the strongest songs in the entire competition and when it is being sung by one of the strongest performers it is impossible that it won’t qualify. One can argue that there might be too much going on in the background, but the song will totally make up for that feeling.  

11. FYR Macedonia – Vlatko IlievskiRusinka

Again a song I really like, but don’t have much faith in. The performance distracts from the song, which I believed would have been strong enough on it own. Sorry Vlatko, but this won’t appeal enough. 

12. Israel – Dana InternationalDing Dong

Are you all prepared for seeing a former winner crash big time? That is very likely to happen with a bland song and a bland performance. The big newsspash about her sex-operation is no longer unusual and as such there won’t be enough to talk about for the commentators to bring this song to the final.  

13. Slovenia – Maja KeucNo One

One said the other day that Maja is everything Dana wants to be and another one said that this is the woman who can turn him straight. She is attractive yes and the song is quite strong. It will be competing strongly with Austria however and I personally believe Nadine Beiler will win that race. 

14. Romania – Hotel FMChange

It has been quite some years since Romania last time came with a performance not 100% in top and they don’t fail this year either. The song is extremely catchy and should sail securely into the final. And of course it doesn’t hurt either that the leadsinger is the cutest guy in this year’s contest! 

15. Estonia – Getter JaaniRockefeller Street

Many people like this song on first hearing, but become more and more annoyed at it the more they hear it. I am one of them, but for many of the viewers tomorrow evening that will be the first time they hear it. If they vote for it, I guess it doesn’t matter if they become tired of it quite quickly. Question is they vote before the reprise… 

16. Belarus  Anastasiya VinnikovaI Love Belarus

I don’t know what it is with this song, but it is really hard not to sing along despite knowing that it actually isn’t strong enough for a Eurovision Song Contest final. It is one people will remember, but question is again if they will actually vote for it? Some might also be thinking politically about it and not vote for what is considered Europe’s last dictatorship. It absolutely should not make it to the final, but I can’t rule anything out simply as it gets stuck in people’s mind. 

17. Latvia – MusiqqAngel In Disguise

I really want to see this song in the final and I would like to think that there is space for it simply because their performance is quite solid everytime so it is unlikely that anything will go wrong. If it is being left out only conclusion must be that it was just a very strong semi-final. 

18. Denmark – A Friend In LondonNew Tomorrow

A very catchy song with a performance in top like we have here from Denmark should always be guaranteed a place in the final – and probably also a top5. Denmark is in with a good chance to win the entire contest and if doesn’t qualify I’ll stop following the Eurovision Song Contest! 

19. Ireland – JedwardLipstick

From time to time acts like these will make it to the final and other times they fall to the ground with a big bang. Their voices are not convincing and question is if the rest of Europe will find these ADHD twins just as adorable as Ireland and United Kingdom apparantly do? There should be enough children around the age of 10 with mobiles who are still up if this is to reach the final. That might just be the case so I believe we will see it again on Saturday.

Prediction on which ten will qualify for the final in order of performance:

Bosnia & Herzegovina, Austria, The Netherlands, Slovakia, Sweden, Bulgaria, Romania, Latvia, Denmark and Ireland.

Source: EuroVisionary
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