After the contraversy surrounding Ukraine’s selection this year, they were here to try and set the record straight, proving that they had sent the right song.
Alyosha looks far far younger in real life than she does in her publicity shots. She sings about a possible apocalypse in the near future, and tells us it’s basically the fault of mankind.
The setting is very stark, to go with the message behind the song. It’s a black set, apart from some red spotlights that rise and fall during the song. At strategic parts during the song, we also see white strobe lights and they also use a wind machine to suitable effect. For her rehearsal, Alyosha was dressed in tight jeans and a black top, which we though would be her outfit for the night. Instead, she’ll be wearing a salmon pink number with a black silk (we think) shawl over the top. While she most definitely has a powerful voice, sometimes her English pronunciation leaves a little to be desired. But it takes great guts to stand up there, by yourself, and belt out a song like this.
It’s a doubt that this will qualify. The high quality of the second semi-final means that a few well-fancied songs will miss out, and this will probably be among them.