The Serbian national final, Pesma Za Evropu, was held in Belgrade tonight. Finally, Nina will represent the Balkan country in the 2011 Eurovision Song Contest with the song Caroban composed by Kristina Kovac.
Three songs composed by the Kovac Family and three artists chosen by thecomposers to perform their entry were the candidates for the final of PesmaZa Evropu. Eldest daughter, Aleksandra Kovac decided to sing her own song;Kornelije, the father, chose the band The Breeze; and Kristina Kovac selectedNina to perform her composition. They were at the mercy of the Serbianaudience, who voted for their favourite via phone and SMS.
The show started at 21:00 CET and the performances were as follows.
The songs:
Song number 1: The Breeze Band – Ring Ring Ring composed byKornelije Kovac and Ante Gela.
It was a fun pop song in 60s style and it fits perfectly the band’s sound. Their voices and theirstyle were very reminiscent of TheBeatles. Also, they were dressed in the 60sstyle. They wore turtleneck jerseys and jackets inbright colours of red velvet and black trousers. Their voices were very wellharmonized. The song had great rhythm and it was very catchy and danceable.When you listen to this song, your body cannot stop moving. They were just thefive guys on stage: three guitars, one bass and drums.
Song number 2: Aleksandra Kovac – Idemo Dalje composed byAleksandra Kovac and Spomenka Kovac.
The song was a ballad. We could feel that she was thecomposer of the song because she feels what she is singing. She was dressed ina light red dress that highlighted on the blue background of the stage.Aleksandra’s voice is perfect for this song and she was always in tune. Duringthe performance we could see on the LED screen some drawings of buildings’silhouettes from a city.
Song number 3: Nina – Caroban composed by Kristina Kovac,Aleksandar Erakovic, Kamjan Dasic and Marko Calic.
On stage there were three backing singers with a littlechoreography and two male trumpeters. Nina was in the middle of the stagewearing a blue dress and stockings of the same colour that goes together withher eyes. Nina’s voice sounded very confident. The song is very cheerful and ithas a lot of rhythm. Especially at the end of the song, Nina can show off heramazing vocal qualities.
The show:
The stage was really impressive. It was very big and with a lot of lightsand LED screens that allowed to make a spectacular staging for all of theartists.
Marija Serifovic, the Serbian representative who was the winner inthe 2007 Eurovision Song Contest, opened the show with her winning song Molitva.
The voting lines were opened from the beginning of the show and the audiencewas voting while the three finalist songs were performed twice on stage.
All songs were played live by the RTS musicians’ ensemble accompanied by astudio band.
During the show, we saw some short documentaries about how the songs werecreated, the work between each composer and artist and also some fragments ofthe previous participation of Serbian entries in the Eurovision Song Contest.
Kornelije, Aleksandra and Kristina Kovac, the three authorsof the songs, were sitting on a couch next to the stage reviewing all theperformances. The show was mostly a kind of tribute to them and their songs.
Also, we enjoyed some special performances by many invited guest like NinaBacric, Dado Tepic (the Croatian representative in the 2007Eurovision Song Contest), Aleksandra Radovic, Jelena Tomasevic(Serbia 2008), Karolina Goceva (FYR Macedonia 2002 and 2007), BorisNovkovic, Tanja Banjanin and Ana Stanic who were singing someKovac’s Family greatest hits.
The result:
The Serbian audience had the last word. The winning entry was selected bySMS votes during the show (with one phone number viewers were permitted to sendup to ten messages in support of their favourite song) and the most voted for (with14,990 votes) was Nina who will be the Serbian representative inDüsseldorf with the song Caroban composed by Kristina Kovac.
Serbia will participate in the first semi-final on May 10th.