With his latest album “Irishman in America” Johnny Logan is back on the Scandinavian charts, which he more or less owned with the previous CD. With a calendar that doesn’t leave space for much else than touring in Denmark, Sweden and Norway this Irishman has really conquered Scandinavia.
Johnny Logan has won the Eurovision Song Contest twice as a singer and once more as a songwriter for Linda Martin, but it seems like the 54-year-old singer is now more popular than ever, 28 years after his first Eurovision victory and 16 years after the latest!
His previous album, The Irish Connection, was meant as a present to his Danish fans but became a bestseller in all three Scandinavian countries with gold in Sweden, platinum in Denmark and double platinum in Norway.
It is too soon to predict if Irishman in America reaches that status, but he has now entered the charts in all three countries. When the album was released three weeks ago it immediately went into the Danish album top40. The album was #10 last week, but has dropped to this week’s #19.
In both Sweden and Norway the album has this week reached their album charts being #33 on the top40 in Norway and #37 on the top60 in Sweden.
The first position in Sweden and Norway is currently taken by Metallica’s latest album Death Magnetic, while the MGP compilation album holds that spot in Denmark.
MGP is the Danish final for the Nordic MGP, the format on which the Junior Eurovision Song Contest is based.