Friðrik Ómar & Regína Ósk finally get to represent Iceland

A long selection process that started in September 2007 has come to an end in Iceland as they have now decided on sending the band Euroband to Belgrade with the song This Is My Life.

Euroband, or Eurobandið as it is in Icelandic, has the two popular singers Friðrik Ómar and Regína Ósk in the foreground. They are experienced artists who have previously taken part in the Icelandic finals solo. Both took part in the 2006 selection where Regína came second with the song Þér við hlið (By your side) and Friðrik third with Það sem verður (Thinking of you). In 2007 he came second with the song Eldur (Fire).

While Friðrik nor Regína has managed to represent Iceland before, the keyboard player of the band, Grétar Örvarsson, has done it. Together with Sigga Beinteins he represented the country in the Eurovision Song Contest in 1990 in Zagreb where they came fourth with the song Eitt Lag Enn (One more song) and furthermore then he composed the Icelandic 2002 entry.

They won the Icelandic final ahead of Mercedes Club and Dr. Spock.


Euroband’s myspace profile

In my view

In 2006 I felt that Friðrik Ómar should have won as he clearly had both the best song and the best performance and with Grétar Örvarsson’s song from 1990 being one of my favourite Icelandic entries I must say that I am quite looking forward to meeting this band in Belgrade 🙂

The opinion expressed in "In my view" are those of the author and are not necessarily the one of
Source: Euroband's myspace profile
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