Tomorrow evening the final of the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest will be complete as ten more spots will be filled. Half of tomorrow’s result was decided already tonight as the juries were voting in this second dress rehearsal.
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01. Malta: Firelight – Coming Home
It is quite a catchy tune we have here in the genre of easy entertainment. You won’t find many who directly dislike it, but there won’t be many either who will mention this as their favourite. I do like it, and it brings me in a good mood. A nice start to the second semi-final, but is it a qualifier? I will basically mention the Latvian entry in almost the same way, and they failed to qualify from the first semi-final, but as this comes across as the weaker of the two semi-finals Malta might just actually make it, but it will be tight if they do.
02. Israel: Mei Finegold – Same Heart
As far as I am concerned, Israel has one problem with their entry; it simply never catches my attention. I constantly find my thoughts drifting off. When I really force myself to stay focused I can hear the qualities of the song, but unfortunately I soon get to think of something completely different again. It might be that it is just me, but if there are many others with the same problem, Israel can’t make it to the final.
03. Norway: Carl Espen – Silent Storm
One of the favourites and a sure qualifier. It is a great song and Carl Espen controls his voice very well. Had Armenia not made it through from the first semi-final that would have been the biggest chock of the night. If this somehow fails to qualify it will be a disaster of great dimensions, which I can’t see happening.
04. Georgia: The Shin and Mariko – Three Minutes to Earth
They have already rehearsed twice, and as I am watching all three dress rehearsals for the semi-final, it will make a total of 6 times I have seen this year’s Georgian entry performed, counting in the live show tomorrow evening. I am confident that there won’t be any more times as this should be without chances of making it to the final. It might be quite representative of the Georgian coulture and their own population might like it, but it is simply too different from what appeals wider.
05. Poland: Donatan & Cleo – My Słowianie – We Are Slavic
It is not my taste at all. I really don’t like it, but I do acknowledge that there is a big fan scare for this so Poland should be a sure qualifier, in particular in a semi-final a little weaker like this one.
06. Austria: Conchita Wurst – Rise Like a Phoenix
I really love this power ballad in James Bond style. Judging from the song alone it would be a contender for the title, but knowing how Conchita Wurst is seen in certain Eastern European countries it must be without winning potential, but it should make it to the final, but I don’t think it would have done so from the first semi-final based on the countries voting there.
07. Lithuania: Vilija Matačiūnaitė – Attention
Sorry Lithuania, but this is probably the weakest of the 37 songs taking part in the 2014 edition of the Eurovision Song Contest. The song is nowhere near able to qualify. It is musically a mess and there are too many parts where her singing comes out more as screaming, which doesn’t suit many songs.
08. Finland: Softengine – Something Better
I would like to see this qualifying and I personally also think it will. It will stand out and there will always be enough fans around who appriciate a rock tune. Finland, we’ll most likely see you again on Saturday and once again all five Nordic countries will be in the final.
09. Ireland: Can-Linn (featuring Kasey Smith) – Heartbeat
This song has a lot going for it; it is catchy, she sings it well and generally comes across as a song with a lot of potential. But that is also it, it has the potential, but it is not being used. It doesn’t quite get over the stage and out through to the audience. If this get through to the final, which I am not convinced about, it will be as one of the last ones and it will not well in the final.
10. Belarus: Teo – Cheesecake
From Belarus we get a fun and happy cheerful song. I have a feeling that the qualification of this song will depend on whether or not Malta makes it. I don’t think there will be space for both of them. Malta might just win that battle as it will appeal a bit wider.
11. F.Y.R. Macedonia: Tijana – To the Sky
Quite a strong song matched with quite a strong singer. It is not near being my personal favourite or a song I see getting a top5 placement, but it has so much going for it, that Tijana should be one we see again on Saturday.
12. Switzerland: Sebalter – Hunter Of Stars
The cutest guy in the contest, that is what Switzerland brings us – and also quite a good, charming song which many will fall in love with. I myself will put this in my personal top5 – and in the final on the Saturday it will place in the better half, something along the line of Malta last year. Well done, Sebalter and Switzerland!
13. Greece: Freaky Fortune feat. RiskyKidd – Rise Up
Again a song I don’t quite like myself, but I am sure we will see Greece again in the final. On stage it is performed quite energetic and the song does stand out as being something quite refreshing for those who thinks there are just too many ballads this year. I am one of those, and maybe due to that the song is growing on me, but it will never be one I truely will like.
14. Slovenia: Tinkara Kovač – Round and round
Let me repeat what I said about FYR Macedonia: "Quite a strong song matched with quite a strong singer". This one should have no problem reaching the final. It is quite interesting and it offers a lot to those looking for a ballad style song that isn’t quite like the others.
15. Romania: Paula Seling & OVI – Miracle
Paula and Ovi are back for a second attempt and I loved their previous entry. Unfortunately I have to conclude that this one isn’t as strong as that one. It is however good enough to make it to the final so we’ll see them again on Saturday, but it doesn’t look like a new top5 placement.
I believe the ten qualifiers will be:
Malta, Norway, Poland, Austria, Finland, FYR Macedonia, Switzerland, Greece, Slovenia, Romania.
This article is based on the writers experience of the dress rehesarsal and does not necessarily express the opinion of EuroVisionary.com.