This afternoon it was time for the last of the three dress rehearsals before the second semi-final kicks off tonight. 17 acts will fight to win one of the 10 places in the final. Who is it we will be seeing again on Saturday?
To give you a perspective EuroVisionary will be covering all three rehearsals for the first semi-final by three different writers with their respective views on what they see.
01. Latvia: PeR – Here We Go
We kick offwith one of those happy songs that brings a smile to most people. It is energetic and they two boys are dressed in plenty of glitter. So much is speaking for a final position, but it probably won’t have got many points from the juries making it solely up to the viewers. That might just be tough call. The guys ends with saying that they hope Sweden will beat Canada tonight. (Icehockey edt.)
See our video from the dress rehearsal
02. San Marino: Valentina Monetta – Crisalide (Vola)
I can’t help seeing this as two songs. I totally love the first one, while the second one turns me a bit off. This is a totally different Valentina than what we saw last year – and there should be no doubt that she reaches the final this time. Vocal as well as performance is at it should be – and she delivers every time.
See our video from the dress rehearsal
03. F.Y.R. Macedonia: Esma & Lozano – Pred Da Se Razdeni
This is a tricky one for me. There are plenty of the things in the song I like, but also plenty I don’t like. Vocally they both deliver, though I prefer the part English version we heard under one of the rehearsals. As all the four Balkan countries in the first semi-final got kicked off, I am hoping to see this one going through to the final, but am not too sure.
See our video from the dress rehearsal
04. Azerbaijan: Farid Mammadov – Hold Me
I admit that I wasn’t a big fan of this song in the national selection. It was an ok song, but nothing special that stood out shouting winner candidate, but that has changed now. From the first rehearsal it was clear that odds on another Azerbaijan victory would lower significantly. Together with Denmark and Ukraine we have Azerbaijan fighting for victory on Saturday. A clear qualifier.
See our video from the dress rehearsal
05. Finland: Krista Siegfrids – Marry Me
We continue with a happy, fun song, but differently to Latvia then Krista tells the entire story in her performance and outfit – and she does it with a sweetness many will fall for. And no need to mention the Lesbian kiss at the end. I feel quite sure this will make it to the final.
See our video from the dress rehearsal
06. Malta: Gianluca – Tomorrow
The happy, fun songs which makes most people in a good mood are lining up in this second semi-final. I don’t think I have ever come across someone smiling as much as Gianluca… It almost becomes too much. He is sweet and will for sure appeal to quite some teenage girls. The song is quite simple, but most can relate to it. It is delivered well, but will it qualify? I would like to say yes as it is in my personal top 5 in this semi-final, but I am not completely convinced he has it in the bag.
See our video from the dress rehearsal
07. Bulgaria: Elitsa Todorova & Stoyan Yankulov – Samo Shampioni (Only Champions)
Elitsa and Stoyan are back for a second attempt, but it won’t be any victory for them this time either. In fact, I don’t even think they will make it to the final. Where I could see the charm in their previous entry, I really don’t see anything in this and the performance is too much of a mess.
See our video from the dress rehearsal
08. Iceland: Eythor Ingi – Ég Á Líf
Ok, from something I didn’t like to someone I totally adore. After the result in the Icelandic final, I felt rather alone as so many were busy complaining about it. I have never understood that. This song has it all: It is beautiful, the Icelandic language adds charm to it, the backgrops are stunning and suits the song 100% – and then it is sung by a singer with a fantastic voice. Though I would ask him to shave, then I admit that I do see that it suits him, but only because he is Icelandic. In a country without the rough nature it wouldn’t work. Ok, I am drifting off, but of course is this a qualifier.
See our video from the dress rehearsal
09. Greece: Koza Mostra feat. Agathon Iakovidis – Alcohol Is Free
I see myself ending up in problems now. I really don’t like this song, but I have to admit that it actually is catchy. You can easily sing a long to it. Greece has often qualified with songs I don’t like, so it is easy to say that it will happen again., but I dare to say that this won’t make it.
See our video from the dress rehearsal
10. Israel: Moran Mazor – Rak Bishvilo
I am really in doubt about the Israeli entry. She is an excellent singer, no doubt about that, but I am doubting whether or not Europe will be able to engage in it. I can only say that once I am through all 17 countries I can see if it might get the 10th position, which is enough. But again, it is tonight it really counts.
See our video from the dress rehearsal
11. Armenia: Dorians – Lonely Planet
The past few days I have felt rather alone here in the press centre for believing in this song – and for liking it. Too many people complains that it makes them fall asleep. Apparantly my taste is just different than the one of most journalists. It is however not the journalists here deciding – and I think Armenia will qualify.
See our video from the dress rehearsal
12. Hungary: ByeAlex – Kedvesem (Zoohacker Remix)
We move on to a song that has really grown on me. I didn’t like it at first. But what I found annoying back then, I now find charming. It is difficult to tell if the TV viewers will need as long time as me to get to like it… if they do, Hungary is unfortunately out.
See our video from the dress rehearsal
13. Norway: Margaret Berger – I Feed You My Love
Here around you find plenty of people who loves the Norwegian entry. I just can’t join them in their love for it – to me this song is just noise. Yes, she is good looking and has sex appeal, but you don’t win a contest on that – or at least you shouldn’t. It is however my guess that there will be enough people voting for this in the semi-final I consider the weakest, so Norway is through.
See our video from the dress rehearsal
14. Albania: Adrian Lulgjuraj & Bledar Sejko – Identitet
I have already sent Armenia through and question is if there is space for two songs with a rock sound. I am not sure and I think I chose to say that I think it will be Albania losing the battle between those two. I do like the song though.
See our video from the dress rehearsal
15. Georgia: Nodi Tatishvili & Sophie Gelovani – Waterfall
If you take Ell & Nikki and add some Chanée & N’evergreen to it, then you have what Georgia is offering. It is written by G:son who knows how to deliver a good Eurovision song – and that is exactly what this is. I feel quite sure it will make it to the final and most likely a top 10, but it is not an absolute top candidate.
See our video from the dress rehearsal
16. Switzerland: Takasa – You And Me
Me likes, me sings a long to – and me wants it in the final. An extremely catchy song and I can’t get it out of my head. Yes, I admit that it is very simple, but since when it is that a problem when it comes to Eurovision? I am crossing my fingers for this to reach the final.
See our video from the dress rehearsal
17. Romania: Cezar – It’s My Life
I was on before, but now I am off. Very much so. I have for many years loved the Romanian entries and believed their victory was coming closer. It is however not going to be this year. He is a great singer, that I am able to hear. But the performance? No, it is just freeky and scary.
See our video from the dress rehearsal
The 10 qualifiers:
I believe the ten qualifiers will be San Marino, Azerbaijan, Finland, Iceland, Israel, Armenia, Norway, Georgia, Hungary and Switzerland.
EuroVisionary is recording 2D as well as 3D videos from this dress rehearsal. Subscribe to our youtube channel to be kept updated.
This article is based on the writers experience of the dress rehesarsal and does not nessasairly express the opinion of EuroVisionary.com.