After the first dress rehearsal for semi-final one was held this afternoon, it was time for a second rehearsal this evening. Some of the acts might have a bit more nerves on as this is the rehearsal the juries will be basing their points upon.
To give you a perspective EuroVisionary will be covering all three rehearsals for the first semi-final by three different writers with their respective views on what they see.
01. Austria: Natália Kelly – Shine
Natália is dressed in blue jeans and white blouse, which suits her. It’s a good start to the contest and she has a pretty good stage presence. The bridge to the final chorus demonstrates her voice very well. This is definitely in with a chance, but she is up against some strong competition later on.
02. Estonia: Birgit – Et Uus Saaks Alguse
The monochrome start is very dramatic and sets off the song really well. She’s one of the best singers this year and gives a very slick performance. The dramatic nature of this song is enhanced by the dry ice on the stage and the modest placing of her three backing singers. The slight re-arrangement of the song towards the end works. I’d love to see this qualify. A good solid performance.
03. Slovenia: Hannah – Straight Into Love
Hannah started well, but missed the first challenging notes. Her dance routine is very polished and is good with the camera. However, the performance tonight is not as good as the first rehearsal this afternoon. She can sing this really well, but seems to be trying too hard.
04. Croatia: Klapa s mora – Mižerja
The six Croatians can really sing, and have performed consistently well all week. Tonight is no exception. Despite them being in traditional clothes on a very modern stage, they have a very simple presentation that works. If Europe voted for Bonaparti.lv several years ago, then this should get its fair share of votes.
05. Denmark: Emmelie de Forest – Only Teardrops
A large crowd of Dames are in the audience for this one, and it got the biggest reception so far. The camera work is polished and enhances a slick song. The cameras even pan to Danish flags in the audience at various intervals. Here in the press centre there were cheers for the ticker tape and showers of gold that come from the roof of the arena. It’s good, and will go through.
06. Russia: Dina Garipova – What If
Dina looks very good and gives us an assured performance. It’s a bit ballad-by-numbers but a good quality one. The crowd in the arena all have lit wristbands that set off the song very well. It’s imemdiately after the ad break, but should be safely through to Saturday.
07. Ukraine: Zlata Ognevich – Gravity
The setting of this song is very atmospheric. Zlata has reverted to the dress seen in her first rehearsal – a better choice than the metallic one. I’m still not quite shure about the giant bringing her onto stage, but the show does more than enough. I think this will qualify.
08. The Netherlands: Anouk – Birds
You can tell that Anouk is an accomplished singer and really sells this song. She has three backing singers who are set out of the way on the main stage – Anouk’s on the satellite stage. It’s different enough to maybe make an impression with the voters, and it got a big cheer in the press centre.
09. Montenegro: Who See – Igranka
We needed a really up-tempo song after the Netherlands, and this delivers. I really like it, but I suspect it will divide opinion. The space suits worn by Who See and the outfit worn by Nina are really striking and, I think, add to the effect. It was a little messy this aftenoon, but they seem to have sorted things out now.
10. Lithuania: Andrius Pojavis – Something
I didn’t think this had a chance until this rehearsal. The crowd in the arena seem to love it. I’m still not sure. Andrius is selling this song and and it’s set very simply. I would not have it in the top 10, but if any song can spring a surprise, it will be this.
11. Belarus: Alyona Lanskaya – Solayoh
There seemed to be something wrong with how this song started. There seemed to be something slightly out of sync with her voice. It’s a very busy stage show but that large glitter ball may put people off. The pyros at the end set this off well, but the camera angles could be tweaked a little to give it a better edge.
12. Moldova: Aliona Moon – O Mie
Aliona’s hair has changed again, into what looks like a large quiff. Pasha is there on the piano, to give this a classy look. The centrepiece of her dress is still something really worth watching. It may be a bit gimmicky, but it does work. I think it will qualify.
13. Ireland: Ryan Dolan – Only Love Survives
This is a breath of freash air, and the best Irish song for a long time. Ryan is good with the camera. The different elements of the stage show all seem to work well together. He did hit one bad note right at the very end, but he’d already done enough. This should be through.
14. Cyprus: Despina Olympiou – An Me Thimasai
Despina has reverted to the long lacy black dress instead of the trousers and T-shirt she was wearing earlier. This dress suits her better for the song. It’s another solid performance although she missed a note or two at the end. I wish her well, though I think it might get lost among the other songs. But it did get a round of applause in the press centre.
15. Belgium: Roberto Bellarosa – Love Kills
To say he’s only 18, Roberto seems to have really grown in confidence this week. Something seemed slightly otut of sync again, but it was hardly enough to do any damage to the song. The idea of the words on the backdrop is a good one. This could spring a surprise.
16. Serbia: Moje 3 – Ljubav Je Svuda
I like this one, but the choice outfits has given me second thoughts about whether it will qualify. If they’d stayed as devil and angel, the theme of the song would be obvious. However, they are three attractive girls with a well-rehearsed stage show. It may qualify, but I’m not sure.
Due to technical problems beyond his control, and in accordance with EBU rules, Belgium’s Roberto Bellarosa got to perform his song again. As the juries around Europe will be voting on these performances, it is important that he is given the same chance as the other 15 songs.
The 10 qualifiers:
From tonight’s rehearsal, I believe the ten qualifiers will be Estonia, Croatia, Denmark, Russia, Ukraine, Montenegro, Belarus, Moldova, Ireland and Belgium.
EuroVisionary is recording 2D as well as 3D videos from this dress rehearsal. Subscribe to our youtube channel to be kept updated.
This article is based on the writers experience of the dress rehesarsal and does not necessarily express the opinion of EuroVisionary.com.