Eurovision 2022 season in preparation – national selection news you might have missed

Several countries already starting their national selection process. You can already now – or will soon be able to – submit your potential songs for the 2022 Eurovision Song Contest.

It’s just little over a week ago that Italy’s rockband Måneskin was crowned as winner of the 2021 Eurovision Song Contest. While many of us aren’t yet ready to think about songs for next year’s contest, various broadcasters already opened their submission window.

Let’s take a closer look at the countries where the 2022 national selections already are in full swing:

Norway – Melodi Grand Prix

Norwegian broadcaster NRK will use Melodi Grand Prix 2022 to select their Eurovision representative. It consists of several televised shows with preliminary heats and a big final.

What do we know

  • The submission window is open until the 15th of August 2021.
  • It’s encouraged that submitted songs have at least one Norwegian songwriter on it.
  • Every songwriter / producer must submit a maximum of three songs.
  • Melodi Grand Prix 2022 will take place in January and February 2022.
  • The broadcaster will also approach people in the music industry themselves.

Netherlands – Internal selection

The Dutch broadcaster AVROTROS will use an international selection to pick their 2022 Eurovision participant.

What do we know

    • The submission window is open until 31st of August 2021.
    • Every songwriter must submit a maximum of three songs.
    • A committee consisting of six people will decide who will represent the country at Eurovision 2022. The members of the committee are: Eric van Stade, Cornald Maas, Jan Smit, Sander Lantinga, Coen Swijnenberg and Joyce Hoedelmans.

Jan Smit was one of the hosts of the 2021 Eurovision Song Contest held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Cornald Maas is former Dutch commentator through many years.

Finland – Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu

The Finnish broadcaster YLE will use their traditional Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu (UMK) to select their 2022 Eurovision representative.

What do we know

    • The submission window will be open from 1st to 6th of September 2021.
    • The lead singer(s) may participate in the competition with a maximum of three songs, although only one song is eligible for continuation. Band members can participate in more than one song. Composers, lyricists and arrangers may participate in the competition with several songs.
    • The submitted demo must not be sent to other Eurovision participating countries.
    • At least one songwriter and one lead singer must have a Finnish citizenship or a permanent residence in Finland.
    • All televised performances are singback with instrumental backgrounds. The
      Instrumental backgrounds must be submitted to Yle by the 29th of October 2021.

Serbia – Beovizija

Serbia broadcaster will use Beovizija to select their 2022 Eurovision representative.

What do we know

  • Submission window is expected to open sometime in June 2021, and close again in Mid-November 2021.
  • The national final of Beovizija is expected to take place in February 2022.

Eurovision Song Contest 2022 rules

While each broadcaster can specify rules specifically for their national selection, there are certain general rules all must live up to in order for a song to be eligible for the Eurovision Song Contest 2022:

  • The songs must not have been released before the 1st of September 2021.
  • The songs must not be longer than three minutes.
  • The participating performers must be at least 16 years old by 1st of May 2022. This rule does not apply to songwriters.
  • There can be no more than six people on stage for the performance. For example, if a band has seven band members, only six of them can take part and in case of a solo singer, he or she can bring a combination of up to five backing singers and dancers.
  • The lyrics of the song must not be political or offensive, and must not contain swear words or trademarks.

Rules about citizenship, language of the song or maximum number of songs submitted etc. are specified by the individual broadcaster. The Eurovision Song Contest is organised by the EBU, the European Broadcasting Union, and they do not get involved in these things.

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