Eurovision 2021 Day 6: Thoughts on rehearsals from Austria, Poland, Moldova, Iceland and Serbia

Five more acts from the semi-final took the stage for their second rehearsal this afternoon. Who is ready for the Tuesday elimination show, and who needs to rehearse a bit more?

This morning, we started with Malta ending the first semi-final. She was then followed by the first four acts competing in the second semi-final, and now, it was time for another five taking the stage. First up was Austria’s Vincent Bueno.

Day 6 has a total of three rehearsal blocks. This second one includes performances from Austria, Poland, Moldova, Iceland and Serbia.

Who has what it takes to reach the final? Let’s look at reactions from Eurovision journalists. We asked them to judge from the rehearsal if they were ready, and what might still not work for them. The article will be updated after each rehearsal so remember to come back or refresh the article.

Austria: Vincent Bueno – Amen

Charlotte J. – I love the start where it’s all dark, and then slowly we get a little more light on him. It’s never fully lit except from a few light shots, but that suits the performance. The gold part with Vincent at the end of the runway is so visually beautiful – and I love when you see his shadow reflecting. He is strong vocally and the camerawork is practically perfect. There’s not much fixing up needed here, all seems ready for the semi-final, and probably the final too.

Michael O. – After all the colour and trickery of this morning’s acts, we return to a nice simple performance. Vincent’s vocals were perfect in the first rehearsals, so probably all that is important in the second is that the lights are confirmed to be what Austria wants them to be. Juries especially will be happy with the song, although it does come over maybe a little too dark.

Gunec G. – I think Vincent’s vocal performance in his first rehearsal better than this one, but still not bad. The stage lightning and the way camera gets to Vincent is a perfect match with the song. I like his glittery jacket. But sorry, not the strongest entry this year.

You can watch our interview with Vincent below.

Poland: RAFAŁ – The Ride

Charlotte J. – I LOVE the opening with him surrounded by the dancers. And in general, the dancers compliment him well. The shot where he says ‘Hello Europe’ and takes off the sunglasses works for me too despite that I generally don’t like these shout-outs, but it suits this performance. I love RAFAŁ, I love the song – and I love this performance. The only thing, I am not entirely convinced about is one time when he is at the back of the stage with all four dancers in front of him. Why hide him? Going into these two weeks with rehearsals, I thought that RAFAŁ was the second cutest man in the contest, being slightly behind Estonia’s Uku Suviste, but at first rehearsal, RAFAŁ convinced me that he is actually #1. I totally adore the wink with the eye, I can’t help feeling that is directly to me. If more viewers think that, Poland will do really well, and I will shout the loudest in joy when that happens ❤️
Did I mention that for the first time ever Poland will get my 12 points?

Michael O. – One of the most impressive things here is that RAFAŁ can sing all these fast notes, when he’s not even an English native speaker. It’s amazing he can sing them all without running out of breath. Also, he has managed to successfully recreate his video on stage. If you are British or know Top Of The Pops, this is one of these songs that came into the charts at No.34 and then climbs to No. 27 after a TOTP’s appearance way back in 1983, before dropping out, and would now belong to one of these forgotten 80’s CD collections. But I digress, the rehearsal’s have gone really well and RAFAŁ should be well pleased. Although he does do the call out to the audience, so negative marks there. There’s not much else he can do now, but wait and see what the jury and tele-voters think.

Gunec G. – Rafal is COOL…He had some vocal issues while dancing in the first place. As an 80s teenager, I love the 80s concept. And Poland nails it. I loved his harmony with the dancers. The lights in the palms of the dancers reminds me of Slovenia 2007. Last but not least, I’d rather see Rafal’s handsome face than the sunglasses

You can watch our interview with RAFAŁ below

Moldova: Natalia Gordienko – Sugar

Charlotte J. – Should we be disappointed that there are no icecream or cakes on stage? Yes, we actually should. While not a fan of such props, I am really missing them here. With their video and the press photos, Moldova promised us that – and didn’t deliver… But instead they gave us some three men with open jackets revealing quite some nice upper bodies. A lot of women – and gays should appreciate that. Anyway, I like the opening shot with Natalia sitting on one the dancers and other three all around her forming a chair for her. I also like her collaboration with the dancers all through the song – and damn, a long note she holds at the end. The song really isn’t for me, but it’s actually quite performed – despite me missing some sugar.

Michael O. – Natalia becomes the tastiest treat on stage now, as all the confectionery has either melted or been left in the studio in Ukraine. Todays’ rehearsals saw a marked improvement in the vocals, and retains all the fun of the song. The lights make the dancers suits look purple, but I’m sure they are dark green. That probably doesn’t matter or is of no importance to the presentation. We need a fun song in the final, Natalia doesn’t seem to be getting any negative feedback about her dress, so all must be well. Good rehearsal.

Gunec G. – Natalia is one of the prettiest women this year. And she sure can sing. When it comes to staging, pastel neon lights and 4 dancers: we’ve all seen them so much this year. And although Natalia looks stunning in that mini silver dress, this colour is very popular this year. The choreography is not very original as well. I’d expect something original like in her video.

You can watch our interview with Natalia below

Iceland: Daði og Gagnamagnið – 10 Years

Charlotte J. – At the first rehearsal, this song gave me winner vibes. Today, I am slightly less convinced that I should book accommodation in Reykjavík, just yet. But, it’s still a possibility. I am not ruling it out just yet. This is a fun performance, and it totally brings this song to life. I had Iceland very low on my list based on the studio version and the video, but seeing the performance has totally changed my opinion. The colours, the backdrop, their interaction on stage… it all makes this song a strong contender – and I love that cool ending! Iceland should be a sure qualifier. I at least feel pretty sure that this is Denmark’s 12 points in this second semi-final – and you can count on our commentators to mention that Daði Freyr grew up in Denmark.

Michael O. – Everyone involved here seems to be having such a good time. Some acts make it all look so easy, and although I’m sure lots of work has gone into this performance, it comes over all casual and feel good cosy. The instrument choreography works well and Daði sings in his key which we all know so well now. Iceland would love to have its first win, along with Malta, Lithuania and Moldova – they are all working so hard to try and make it happen.

Gunec G. – Finally something original in staging apart from these cubic neon lights. I like the round synthesiser idea which belongs to Dagi’s pregnant wife. I don’t know what I to think about their costumes, but I can say they’re original. About the vocals, it’s good enough as the song doesn’t require very strong vocals.

You can watch a clip from Iceland’s rehearsal below.

Serbia: Hurricane – Loco Loco

Charlotte J. – Let me start out by saying that the three Hurricane girls all are great performers, and they are a joy to look at. Their energy is contagious. But I can’t help feeling that this is more a concert performance than it’s made for TV. I am not entirely convinced it will go down well with the TV viewers.

Michael O. – Serbia’s answer to Girls Aloud, and I love it. The girls voices are very underrated and although the song is hardly Bohemian Rhapsody, this is a lot of fun and the trio are really enjoying themselves on stage. The movements while looking free style have all been rehearsed well, and they all know when and where to stand. Hopefully the juries won’t mark them low, just for having a song with a bit of frivolity. No more rehearsals are required, it’s time for Loco Loco.

Gunec G. – 3 very beautiful women who can sing while dancing on stage. Although I’d prefer Sanja’s hair curly and big. The energetic choreography goes very well with the uptempo song. As per the stage design, I think they preferred to show the performance rather than a very fancy stage.

You can watch a clip of Hurricane’s rehearsal below.

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