Winner’s press conference

Azerbaijan won the 56th Eurovision Song Contest in Düsseldorf. After an exciting voting the duo Ell/Nikki won with a total of 221 points leaving Italy and Sweden behind them.

A few minutes after 1:00 am the winner’s press conference finally started. Several fans from Azerbaijan cheered enthusiastically and wanted to convince everyone to come to Baku in 2012. Some of the waiting photographers climbed on their chairs to be able to get the perfect photo of the two singers.

Eldar and Nigar started the press conference singing a song in Azeri. They went on thanking everyone who voted for them and never got tired of repeating how happy they are about their victory. Nigar could not believe it because only some months ago she was just housewife and mother of two children.

The duo wants to keep on working together and record more songs, but nothing special is planned yet. Running scared might be translated into French, Spanish and German as well.

At the end Jon Ola Sand entered the press conference to invite the Azeri delegation to the EBU meeting in Geneva to figure out the plans of organizing the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest 2012 in Baku. The Azeri Head of Delegation thanked the NDR for organising a fabulous contest and added that they will try to make it even better.

The press conference ended with the opportunity of taking photos for the waiting press.

Source: EuroVisionary
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