Eurovision 2013 day 6: Azerbaijan’s second rehearsal

After the first rehearsal Azerbaijan became a hot candidate to win the Eurovision Song Contest again. So how would their second rehearsal be like?

The team around the Azeri singer Farid Mammadov have not done any changes in the stage presentation. Farid starts the song sitting on a high glass box. Inside it there is a man creating the illusion of being Farid’s shadow. 

Just like during the first rehearsal Farid is dressed in a grey shirt combined with a grey vest and grey trousers. The man in the glass box is dressed completely in black. 

After the first chorus Farid jumps down from the glass box. From the satellite stage the lady in red is approaching him. The glass is filled with leaves of roses. Farid, the man in the glass box as well as the lady in red show start interacting with each other and show a perfect choreography.

The backdrop has blue and red colours. Vocally the whole performance is absolutely flawless.

Source: Eurovisionary
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