The Common Linnets is a new constallation, but the artists behind it are both established musicians with frontfigur Ilse DeLange belonging to the absolute top of Dutch artists.
Ilse DeLange is one of the top performes in the Netherlands. She has released a total of 7 studio albums and almost all of her singles make it to the charts. Since her debut in 1999 and up until now, she has won a lot of awards including 6 x Best Female Singer and 2 x Best Album.
Waylon, which is the artistname for Willem Bijkerk, made the final of the talentshow Holland’s Got Talent in 2008, but that wasn’t the first time the Dutch got to know him as he already three years earlier had tried to make it to the Eurovision Song Contest. As a part of the duo Rachel & Waylon he took part in a preliminary round with the song Leven Als Een Beest, which however didn’t make the final.
Ilse Delange and Waylon wrote their entry, Calm After The Storm, themselves.