Gianluca Bezzina is from a big musical family and is one of seven sisters and brothers who can all sing and play instruments. Infact, one of his sister’s, Dorothy Bezzina, took part in the 2013 Malta Eurosong also with the song, Starting From The End.
Gianluca is not just a singer. His profession is that of a medical doctor. Although his medical career currently takes priority he has a passion for music. He is a member of the Maltese band, Funk Initiative, and has released three singles with them. He also part of a local prayer group in Malta and has spent time on voluntary work with the sisters of Mother Teresa .
He has been part of the Voices concerts in Malta including Rockestra which is organised by the Maltese Philharmonic Orchestra.
Originally, Gianluca took part in the Malta Eurosong for just some fun but now with the catchy sounds of Tomorrow and his happy and smiling personality he hopes to broaden his horizons to the 2013 Eurovision Song Contest and the whole of Europe.