Homens da Luta is a Portuguese improvisational comedy and musical street show, composed of brothers Vasco Duarte and Nuno Duarte "Jel" who are the composer and the lyricist of the song respectively. Their songs are inspired by songs sung during and after the 1974 democratic revolution, and the characters played are caricatures of the revolutionary singers of that time. They often use the term "struggle" to invoke the slogans that became famous during the revolutionary era. They appeared for the first time on television five years ago in a comedy show and they have been travelling through the cities and villages of Portugal spreading their music and their sense of humour. Also, they edited an mp3 album called A Canção é Uma Arma consisting of 14 themes and one of their most popular songs is E o povo, pá? In 2010, Homens da Luta took part in the RTP Song Festival, integrating the list for the online voting, with the song Luta assim não dá. Nonetheless their song was disqualified for failing to follow the rules of the Festival da Cançao and the Eurovision Song Contest.