Robin Stjernberg was born in Hässleholm 1991. In 2006 he won the talent show Sommarchansen held in Malmö. He was a member of the swedish boyband What’s Up that formed in
2007 where he sang together with the swedish 2011 Eurovision representative Eric Saade.
Robins breakthrough came as he entered the Swedish Idol 2011 competition where he finished in 2nd
place behind Amanda Fondell after a very tight voting – 48 to Amandas 52%. He released his first single, the winning Idol-song All This Way written by Darin, by the end of 2011. His first album My Versions came in the beginning of 2012 and included songs from the Ido-season. It topped the chart over the most sold album in Sweden for one week.
Robin is the first to win Melodifestivalen after having advanced from the Second chance heat.