Emmelie de Forest is 19 years old and was rather unknown when she participated in the Danish final in January. Back then she worked at a backery, despite her royal background, which wasn’t revealed before during the Dansk Melodi Grand Prix. The next day Emmelie, as the great grandchild of British Queen Victoria and the grandchild of an Austrian princess, was the big topic all across the country. Emmelie explained her background herself like this: "Queen Victoria’s son, Edward VII, had many children outside marriage. One of them was my grandfather, whom he had with an Austrian princess of the Habsburg family. My grandmother descends from old Swedish nobility, so thanks to that link, I have spent much of my childhood in Stockholm, where my brothers and sisters still live. I see Sweden as my second home".
Despite her young age and her being relatively unknown before the national selection Emmelie has plenty of experience. Since the age of 14 she has been touring with Scottish musician Fraser Neill. She has always performed barefeeted – and this is as such not inspired by last year’s Eurovision Song Contest winner Loreen: "I have always preferred singing without wearing high heels or shoes. Being barefeet makes me feel closer to the ground, the earth and makes me feel more relaxed", Emmelie says.
The song is written by Lise Cabble, Julia Fabrin Jakobsen and Thomas Stengaard. The first name mentioned is one to pay attention to. Lise Cabble has twice before as a songwriter represented Denmark at the Eurovision Song Contest – and both times ended 5th. First time was in 1995 where Aud Wilken sang Fra Mols Til Skagen and in 2010 she was back with the song New Tomorrow performed by A Friend In London.