Eva Boto is just 16 years old and she is from the small town of Šentjanž in Dravogradu. She is now a second-year student and she would like to continue her studies of soloist singing abroad.
She has been singing since from a very early age and has won several youth musical festivals. She likes to play guitar, plays with her pets and, as every teenager, to have fun with her friends.
She is well-known in her country after the long selection process where she performed versions of songs from Mariah Carey, Shania Twain or Leona Lewis to name a few. Her musical influences are 80s and 90s music style, but her favourite singer is Beyonce. She says she is very influenced by Maja Keuc‘s performance from last year at the Eurovision Song Contest and Darja Svajger‘s would be other of her favourite acts at the contest.
Her 2012 Eurovision Song Contest entry is written by the renowned Serbian Vladimir Graić who composed the song Molitva performed by Marija Šerifović, which won the 2007 Eurovision Song Contest and the members of Hari Mata Hari, the popular music band who represented Bosnia and Herzegovina at the 2006 Eurovision Song Contest.