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Further details regarding Eurovision 2014 revealed at press conference

This morning Copenhagen was revealed as host city for the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest. At DR’s headquarter a press conference revealing more information regarding the contest has just ended. Here you can read what Copenhagen and DR’s involved could tell about the plans so far.

Below you find a summary of what was mentioned at today’s press conference at DR Byen: 

Maria Rørbye Rønn, Head of DR:

We imagine that the entire Copenhagen will be involved in this making it one big celebration with restaurants offering special Eurovision menus and the Royal family ship placed in the harbour at the venue.

Want to say thank you to everyone who provided a professionel layout to how the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest could be hosted in Denmark.

Copenhagen was this summer awarded the world’s best city. We will build upon that and make the contest the best Eurovision ever.

Frank Jensen, Mayer in Copenhagen:

The European Union Comitee has declared Copenhagen the Europe’s Green Capital in 2014. We will integrate that into Eurovision and make it a green show. 

Copenhagen contributes with 40 million dkk for the contest. 

Pernille Gaardbo, Executive  Producer at Eurovision 2014:

Last time Denmark hosted the Eurovision Song Contest was in 2001. Back then 23 countries participated. Now up to 43 countries will come to take part. Added 170 million viewers makes this so much larger than in 2001.

Pernille expects to have ticket sale from 9 dress rehearsals plus 3 live shows making it sure that everyone can get to see the show.

We went for Copenhagen as we want to make something never seen before. It will be hosted on an island sourounded by water just like most of Denmark is. It represents the country the best way.

The 60 metre high building will light up so that it can be seen from several places in Copenhagen. A Eurovision park will be placed outside the actual venue making it a big public party. Aside from shuttle busses we will also see shuttle boats. 

Copenhagen centre will offer a Fan mile. One mile full of various Eurovision events. 

With the slogan JoinUs we want to make the Danes proud and the Europeans happy.

Jan Lagermand Lundme, Show responsable for Eurovision 2014:

The show will start with looking down on B & W in laser lights and fireworks. With Copenhagen skyline in the background the host or the hosts will welcome everyone to Copenhagen from the top of the 60 metre high venue, before we then go into the arena.

The slogan JoinUs covers over "Closer to the participants, the music, the Danes, the Europeans and the competition.

No traditional postcards. It will be small portraits of the participants and their background instead. 

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