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Eurovision 2020 cancelled – What will happen to the selected songs?

41 songs selected for the 2020 Eurovision Song Contest. All artists were busy preparing their stage presentations when Coronavirus basically shut down all of Europe with the European Broadcasting Union cancelling the show. But what about the songs?

A lot of questions were answered when EBU decided to cancel this year’s Eurovision Song Contest. It ended all speculations about whether or not it should be postponed or have all artists perform in each their own country. Unfortunately a lot of new questions were raised too. The most important of them being: What will happen to the 41 songs selected for the 2020 contest?

In the F.A.Q that followed the cancellation, the question was answered like this: “This is to be discussed with the Reference Group and the participating broadcasters and a decision will be communicated later”.

With that, it’s still unknown what will happen. Several scenarios are in play. According to the rules, no songs must be publicly available before the 1st of September in the year before the contest they take part in. Rules can of course be changed, which will allow the songs selected this year to be used next year. But if that happens, should it be mandatory that all countries stick to the same song or should it be an option to do so?

If it’s possible to use the same songs, will any countries be given an advantage if they put a lot of money into promotion to make their entry a hit? And if it’s mandatory, what if artists can’t free their schedule in May 2021?

So many new questions have been raised. Hopefully, we will get answers soon. in the poll below, you can tell us what you prefer.

What should happen to the songs selected for Eurovision 2020?

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