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Eurovision 2016: Your weekend preview starts here

Within the next three days, six more countries songs will be chosen to represent them at the Eurovision Song Contest 2016. Three artists were internally chosen and will have their songs premiered over the weekend, while three finals and three semi finals are taking place.

The Netherlands, Russia and Montenegro will present their artist’s songs, while Estonia, Poland and eventually Romania will pick their entry, while two more countries continue with semi finals.

Friday May 4th

The Netherlands

AVROTROS, the public TV broadcaster responsible for The Netherlands entry will reveal Douwe Bob’s self penned number at 11:20 CET. The song was co-written by Jan Peter Hoekstra, Jeroen Overman and Matthijs van Duijvenbode.

Before the big reveal, enjoy this bumper bundle of The Netherland’s recent entries hopefully seeing clips that you have not seen before.

The Netherlands Eurovision Song Contest 2008 - 2015 Highlights


After spending seven hours enjoying The Netherlands entry, you can head over to RTCG in Montenegro, when at 20:00 CET, Highway will reveal what The Real Thing, will sound like as they hope to continue the success of Knez from last year. Enjoy that video below.

Knez - Adio - Montenegro - Final Eurovision 2015


There are no finals tonight, but there’s a major semi final taking place in Baia Mare, which you surely won’t want to miss, as Mihai will be performing his much talked about Paradisio, in the hope of fending off his opponents. Six contestants will proceed to the final on Sunday, four picked by a professional jury and another two chosen by the public. Catch all the excitement at 19:30 CET.

Doru Todoruț feat. Irina BaianțThe Voice 
Andra OlteanuNai nai  
Dream WalkersLet It Shine  
Irina PopaLetting Go  
JukeboxCome On Everybody 
Mihai BăjinaruNever Too Late 
Vanotek feat. The Code & GeorgianI’m Coming Home
FlorenaBehind the Shadows 
Gașca de acasăTu ești povestea 
Ovidiu AntonMoment of Silence

Take a look at the Romanian Eurovision Song Contest highlights below. We included clips from press conferences, various concerts as well as Eurovision itself, so most likely you will enjoy some clips you might not have seen before.

Saturday May 5th


If every musical genre under the sun is your bag, then the Estonian final is for you. The Eesti Laul 2016 will feature ten acts trying to follow Elina and Stig’s footsteps to the final. Tune in at 18:30 CET to watch the jury and public pick three acts for a sing off, when the public will then choose a winner.

Laura Supersonic
Go Away BirdSally
Mick PedajaSeis  
Grete PaiaStories Untold
KéaLonely Boy 
Jüri PootsmannPlay 
Kati Laev & NoorkuuKaugel sinust 
Cartoon feat. Kristel AaslaidImmortality  
I Wear* ExperimentPatience

Below you can watch highlights of Estonia’s recent Eurovision participants, including Eurovision performances and clips from press conferences.


Another country with the battle of the Titans is Poland, where Edyta Gorniak and Maraget will battle it out with seven other contestants tonight at 21:25 CET. For those paying attention you will recognize NAPOLI from the Belarus final where she placed second.

Dorota Osińska Universal
Edyta GórniakGrateful
Kasia MośAddiction
MargaretCool Me Down
Michał SzpakColor of Your Life
NAPOLIMy Universe   
Natalia SzroederLustra (Mirrors)
Ola GintrowskaMissing
Taraka In the Rain

Below enjoy last year’s Polish entry from Monika Kuszyńska.


Mother Russia is bringing out the big names this year, with Sergey Lazarev, having been internally selected by Russian broadcaster VGTRK. Following the earlier released twelve second sneak peak, the full song presentation will take place at 18:45 CET.

Will Sergey manage to live up to the previous Russian acts which you can see in the highlight video below. Included for you are several clips from Eurovision as well as performances from various concerts.


We’re not finished yet. Remember all these songs that went through to Andra Chansen? Well, the Second Chance round will take place at the Halmstad Arena in Halmstad, tonight at 20:00 CET, hosted by Gina Dirawi, Ola Salo and Peter Jöback. There will be four duels, with the winner from each going through to next weeks’ final.

Panetoz Håll om mig hårt V Molly Pettersson HammarHunger 
Albin & MattiasRikBoris RenéPut Your Love on Me  
Isa I Will Wait V SaRahaKizunguzungu
Dolly StyleRollercoasterSamir & ViktorBada nakna

Here are the most recent entrants from Sweden with content that may be new to you.


What would a weekend be without Lithuania. As we get ready to chase away the winter blues, alas the longest elimination programme of all time, is soon to come to an end too, as the semi finals have arrived. Eight performers will be there at the start of the show at 20:00 CET, but by the end, the door will close on two, leaving six entries for next week’s final.

Aistė PilvelytėYou Bet
CatrinahBe Free
Donny MontellI’ve Been Waiting for This Night 
Erica JenningsLeading Me Home  
Ieva ZasimauskaitėLife (Not That Beautiful)
Ruslanas Kirilkinas In My World        
Rūta ŠčiogolevaitėUnited 
Valdas LackoStay Tonight

Get ready as this video may soon be heading into the Eurovisionary vaults. Enjoy the last few year’s entries with footage you may not have seen before.

Sunday May 6th


The six acts chosen from the semi final held on Friday May 4th will compete tonight at 19:30 CET from the Sala Sporturilor in Baia Mare and will be hosted by Cornel Ilie and Ioana Voicu. See the list of contestants above and visualize which top 6 you would like to have seen listed in this space.

Regular readers who read these preview pieces get here and demand, no expect some bonus treat after the marathons of the weekend. Fret not because on Monday May 7th the reveals continue.

Monday May 7th

Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia

Kaliopi and Macedonian Radio Television(MKRTV) will premiere the Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia’s entry Dona tonight at 20:15 CET.

They will be hoping the return of the foxy vixen will send them back to the finals after Daniel Kajmakoski missed out last year.

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