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Albania: The songs competeting in Festivali i Këngës 2019 have been announced

This morning Albanian Television (RTSH) previewed the songs the competitors will be singing in the Festivali i Këngës 2019. The winner will represent Albania at the Eurovision Song Contest 2020.

It has been a rough time in Albania recently with the devastating earthquake but the Festivali i Këngës 2019 will go ahead as planned. The format will be two semi finals on December 19 and 20. The grand final will take place on December 22 at the Pallati i Kongresve in Tirana.

This year as you can see below there is a wide variety of different genres being represented at the contest. Veteran acts like rock star Bojken Lako and folk singer Eli Fara will be joined by relatively new artists Wendi Mancaku and Sara Bajraktari.

Olta Boka is also making a return having represented Albania, placing 17th in 2008 with the song Zemrën e lamë peng. She will have tough competition this year from fellow female acts Elvana Gjata and Arilena Ara.

Below are the song titles for each performer. Take a listen to them and see what you think.

Albërie HadërgjonajKu ta gjej dikë ta dua (Where to find someone to love)
Aldo BardhiMelodi
Arilena AraShaj (Swear)
Bojken LakoMalaseen (She left me unseen)
Devis Xherahu Bisedoj me serenatën (Talking with serenade)
Eli Fara & StresiBohem (Boheme)
Elvana Gjata Me tana (With all)
Era RusiEja Merre (Come and Get It)
GenaShqiponja e lirë (Free Eagle)
Kamela IslamajMë ngjyros (Colour Me)
KanitaAnkth (Anxiety)
Kastro Zizo  – Asaj (Her)
Nadia & Genc TukiçiJu flet Tirana (Tirana Calling)
Olta BokaShkrime në mur (Writings on the wall)
Renis GjokaLoja (The Game)
Robert BerishaAjo nuk është unë (She is not me)
Sara BajraktariAjër (Air)
Tiri Gjoci – Me gotën bosh (With an Empty Glass)
Valon ShehuKutia e Pandorës (Pandora’s box)
Wendi MancakuEnde (Still)

Below you can remind yourself of Albania’s entry from last year by Jonida Maliqi.

Albania Eurovision 2019 Live: Jonida Maliqi - Ktheju tokës - Eurovision in Concert

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