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Video: Eurovision Fan Panel reward Portugal 2.8 points for The Black Mamba’s Love Is On My Side

Six fans selected from ‘Eurovision Fan Panel’ team up for a talk about the 2021 Portuguese Eurovision entry. They give their opinion about the song, judge whether the song will qualify for the final and how many points, in the Eurovision style, they will give to the song.

At the 2021 Eurovision Song Contest, Portugal will be represented by The Black Mamba and the song Love Is On My Side. The music and lyrics are written by TATANKA. Portugal will perform as 12th in the second semi-final.

Eurovision Fan Panel react to Portugal 2021: The Black Mamba - Love Is On My Side

The Eurovision Fan Panel will go through all 39 songs for the Eurovision Song Contest. You will see the members in various constellations. In this one, you met: Liza from Denmark, Paul from Ireland, Alvaro born in Colombia, now living in Finland, Sara from Sweden, Craig from Australia and the host Charlotte from Denmark.

As the fans talk about Portugal’s chances of qualifying for the final, please have in that this recording took place just before the semi-final running order was announced.

Recent Portuguese Eurovision results

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