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Jacques Houdek criticizes the President of Croatia – and bitter neighbours!

Jacques Houdek (Croatia 2017)

Jacques Houdek provided Croatia with the country’s best result in the Eurovision Song Contest since 2006 as he finished 13th in the grand final in Kyiv. Although he is very much satisfied with this achievement, the Croatian representative is unhappy about some conditions regarding his participation in the contest.

A couple of days ago Jacques has written a pretty long status on Facebook where he evaluated his participation in this year’s Eurovision. 36 years-old Croatian singer used this opportunity to express his gratitude to all the individuals who supported him in his Eurovision project, including his fans and his team in Kyiv. But not everything went smoothly during Jacques preparations for Kyiv according to his own words.

In his Facebook status Jacques criticizes the President of Croatia, Kolinda Grabar-Kitanović, the Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković and the Mayor of the city of Zagreb, Milan Bandić, for not giving him a necessary support. He is especially unhappy with the Croatian president, because she apparently was too busy to meet Jacques in person in order to give him moral support before he left for Kiev.

In his status Jacques is also very critical towards the juries from the former Yugoslav republics as none of these, except Montenegro’s jury, gave Croatia a single point in the grand final. Jacques believes that the reason for this was bitterness, because Croatia was the only country from the region that qualified for the final.

It is unquestionable that Jacques Houdek put a lot of effort into his Eurovision project, but maybe he was just expecting too much of the political authorities in Croatia. In most other European countries it is far from common that politicians get involved in Eurovision projects. Whatever Jacques’ criticism is justified or not, his excessive focus on politics supports all those sceptics, who define the Eurovision Song Contest as a political game.

Below you can watch Jacques Houdek’s performance from Kyiv, Ukraine in a special 4K Full Stage View:

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