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Georgia doesn’t quite shine in Oslo

Georgia had their second round of rehearsals this afternoon and while the phrase ‘throwing the kitchen sink at it’ has been used  for several other countries already it’s probably best used for the Georgians. They are over-complicating a song that should stand on its own with a simple presentation.

The main colours here are red and white, Sofia is in a red strapless dress. The two male dancers are in white traditional Georgian dress and the two female backing singers are in white dresses.

All the delegations had the pleasure of being entertained by the Georgian ambassador last night for their national independence day which doubled up as a Georgian party. There we were treated to the best in Georgian culture and heritage. The problem with the Georgian entry this year is that the seem to be trying to fit it into their three minutes on stage as well. The only thing that’s missing is sword fighting.

We don’t get half enough shots of her face considering it’s an emotional song and should be mainly sold by her. The whole thing is messy and way too complicated. It’s probably too late for them to curtail the stage show now but it will do them no favours the way it is now.

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