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Eurovision 2014 day 9: Denmark’s second rehearsal

All eyes were on Basim today as he took to the stage for a second time to perform the song that has Denmark singing Skuba duba dab dab didi daj in unison. His first performance was lacking the spark and energy we’ve seen him deliver previously so he had a great deal to prove today.

Team Denmark led by Basim had its second set of rehearsals today. The staging was identical to the first run through, with the camera focusing on the outline of Basim singing the insanely catchy skuba duba dab dab didi daj agains the flashing gold stripes of light on the backdrop. All six were wearing the same outfits they wore in the first rehearsal – Basim in a black tuxedo with red bow tie and his dancers similarly styled.
Young Basim poured his heart and soul into the performance, and the end result was a bouncy, playful romp lasting three minutes. After walking over to the dancers they launch into their energetic routine that merely watching leaves you breathless. They use the stage floor to maximum effect which looks great on screen and is shown off brilliantly with some circling camera shots. 
His vocals were well under par today. They started off promisingly enough in the first run through, but from then onwards sounded continuously sharp and he missed his crucial big note catastrophically producing something more like a scream in the dentist’s chair. Matters improved slightly for the second run through, but not by much. By the third and final run through, Basim’s vocals were back on track in time for the giant banner to be unfurled behind him. He seemed to be thoroughly enjoying himself during the third run through which was by far the best of the three today. 
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