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The dutch love story about you and me for the second time in rehearsal in Baku

Set your fire with you and me -sings Joan on Baku ‘s stage for the second time. Even if there weren’t any fire effects used on stage today, her performance prompted audible cheers and shouts of applause from journalists present.

"You and me"- sings Joan as we’ve become used ot hearing now. Well, her perfomed may well have been great but it hasn’t evolved much since the previous rehearsal. The main change concerned her blue outfit which complementing the background perfectly. The background was filled with blue flashes and burning fire. Light your fire was perhaps a fluke of a reference but very evident in Joan’s perfomance on Baku stage. As the cheerful young singer was performing, it was clearly obvious that she enjoyed her perfomance thoroughly and one just hopes this will be noticed by the viewing public.. There were little if any intervals between the songs so she apparently didn’t need to discuss anything with the stage crew. She just wanted to sing. 

The perfomance started with the by now familiar fire background. As Joan’s song kicks off, a band of 5 guys playing banjo, violin, gitar and accordian were up there playing on the catwalk. The fire spread out over the catwalk made such an impact, as if they are finally enjoying themselves – just what this performance needs. The backing singer is stil on hand in her beige Hiawatha outfit to lend competent vocal support. Halfway through the song all of the other band members join Joan on stage to great effect – you could be mistakern that this was the real deal – that we are in fact sitting around a bonfire with Joan and company. And what nice company they make!

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