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Contest Ends – Hadise: “I Would Do Eurovision Again!”

Hadise returned to Belgium happy with the results, and she talked to a news agency in Turkey.  Three weeks ago, she achieved 4th place in the Eurovision Song Contest 2009.

She told the journalists, “The first three songs were nice, but my song was nicer than the others. For the first time in our Eurovision history, everybody discussed my costume, but nobody discussed about other singers in their countries. İ heard everything in the Turkish media, but I don’t want to criticise them”.

Hadise also mentioned that Turkish singers have to sing in English at the Eurovision Song Contest rather than another language, and maybe TRT would choose a male singer for the 2010Eurovision Song Contest in.

She also talked about her feelings during the voting, “I was confused when the United Kingdom gave me 12 points, because the United Kingdom is a bit more important for me. The grand jury also voted for me, and that made me happy.”

She added that she would participate in the Eurovision Song Contest again, but she feels that the voting system should change, otherwise no-one will be able to stop neighbours’ voting for each other.

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